Monk 3 season episod 7

Oh, gosh.
Mr. Donovan?
Mr. Donovan?
What, what are you doing here?
You shouldn’t be here.
What are you, what are you doing?!
Oh! No!
Oh! Oh! Help! Help!
Oh! Help!
Help! Help!
What are you doing?
Help! Somebody help me!
Help me! Help me! Somebody help me!
Help me!
MONK Season 3 Epi. 07 Monk and the Employee of the Month
Over there, over there.
Maybe I should just buy a TV while I’m here.
What’s the matter with the one you have? / It broke.
All we get is the science channel.
I swear, if I see one more show about the moon landing,
I’m going to scream.
Yeah, what could be more dull than the conquest of space?
Hi. Um, we’re with the police.
– We’re looking for the… – Dead body?
Take your pick.
We got a whole store full of them.
The police are in the back.
On the loading dock.
Ignore it.
You don’t have to pop them all.
Monk, Sharona.
– You having fun? – No.
– What have we got? – It’s pretty routine,
An industrial accident.
Yeah, her name was Edna coruthers.
The manager says she was a model employee,
First one here, last one to leave.
He figured she was checking on a delivery for a customer and, uh,
42-inch flat-screen TV fell on her.
She was killed instantly.
That’s horrible.
Does the TV still work?
Sharona… the TV just killed a woman.
What are you going to do, lock it up?
Tired? / Yeah, I was up all last night with my girlfriend.
Yeah, those imaginary girlfriends can be pretty wild.
– She’s not imaginary. – Ooh.
– What’s her name? – Crystal.

– What’s her last name, Glassware? – No, it’s Smith.
– Do you have a picture? – Yeah.
– Oh. – She’s pretty.
– Randy, this came with the wallet. – Yeah, I know.
– She’s a wallet model. – That’s sad.
Sharona, she’s one of the top five wallet models in the world,
Thank you very much.
Meanwhile, back on earth…
I don’t know why the D. A. called you.
We’re wrapping up our tent.
There’s nothing to see here.
No, no, the D. A. didn’t call me.
It was the store security manager, right?
Yeah, I took the call, but he didn’t give me his name.
Well, there’s a reason for that, Monk.
If you knew who it was, you probably wouldn’t be here.
Who was it?
Who’s he?
His name’s Joe christie. He’s an ex-cop.
Hey, as far as I’m concerned, he never was a cop.
What’d he do?
He stole some drugs, got a couple of good cops killed.
Joe christie was my partner.
Just after I left the department,
He was promoted to major narcotics,
And he arrested this dealer named Gutner with 21/2 kilos of uncut cocaine.
The drugs disappeared magically.
They never made it to the evidence room.
What about the cops?
Well, without the drugs, the dealer walked.
He got pulled over a month later for a routine traffic violation,
And he shot two good cops. I knew one of them.
I knew them both.
Well, somebody’s got to take his statement.
No, no, no. Not, not me.
I go near him, I deck him.
– Fine, I’ll do it. – I’ll go with you.
You can tell me all about Crystal, the famous wallet model.
I can’t believe anybody even hired that guy.
Well, he never was convicted of anything.
So, uh, what, are you going to pop all of these?
No choice.
You have to press down with your thumb.
Monk, I know how to pop bubble wrap. Thank you.
Hey, Chandler, Roberto, get over here.
Start popping these.
– Is there a reason why we’re doing this? – Nope. Just keep popping.
Hey, I really appreciate this.
Hey, he doesn’t think it was an accident.

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Monk 3 season episod 7