Мой сон / My dream

I`d like to tell you my dream. One day I was six years old, my mother broke her leg and couldn`t take care of me. Suddenly I could see a superhero. May be he`s not a real-life hero. He could climb up a building and fly rockets to the moon. He had big muscles, and he had a big heart of gold and a will of iron. He stepped in to help. He cooked my favourite dishes for me. He listened to me when I spoke. He played with me every day. I could fly in the sky and did good deals. We helped different people.

Our friendship helped me to feel strong and sure of myself. He managed to be cheerful, energetic and full of life. He took me to visit my mother in the hospital. Henever complained.

When my mother became well, he moved back to his own magic house, but he didn`t forget about me. He Wrote me letters telling me to keep doing my best and be brave every day. But it was only my dream. I`ll grow up soon and I will be kind, clever, brave and I`ll help all people who has any problems.

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Мой сон / My dream