Мои любимые страницы романа Булгакова Мастер и Маргарита / My favorite pages in Bulgakov`s novel Master and Margarite

There are many books in the world, but nobody can read all these books. Each book has its own history and reflects the brink of his era. Some of the books have retained their charm and we read them with interest today. One of my favorite writers is M. A. Bulgakov. Most of all, I like his novel “The Master and Margarita”. Genre of the novel is difficult to determine. The novel contains a great number of genres: satire, farce, mysticism, fantasy melodrama. The performances were put on the explanation of this novel, and one movie was filmed in Russia, Poland, and Sweden. There weremany performances, but there are one movie and one soap-opera. Actors who have played in the film and in the soap-opera told about the mystical events that happened to them after the shooting. But I want to stay on the pages of the novel, which describes the “Devil`s Ball”. I like these pages of the novel. I was shocked by Bulgakov`s description the beginning of ball. But I liked it. Ball begins in the spring night, the full moon, which invited the criminals of all time, hanged, robbers and murderers. The men had tail-coats and the women were naked. Naked Margarita, greeted guests for giving them the knee for a kiss. But most of all I was shocked that after the ball Margarita turned to Woland request which appealed to her visitor. Margarita has leniency for a woman. Bulgakov`s novel is not unambiguous. There are philosophical discussions about religious events of Christianity in novel. I think this is a novel at all times.

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Мои любимые страницы романа Булгакова Мастер и Маргарита / My favorite pages in Bulgakov`s novel Master and Margarite