Mobile phones: for and against

The technical progress goes straight in huge steps. Nowadays we dispose of different machines which surround us everywhere. One of them is a mobile phone. But does it actually make our life better?

The most important advantage of mobile phones is that you can simply talk to any person wherever you are. As a result you should to bother, for instance, about your relatives. Moreover you are always available to delay meetings or let somebody know if you are late. In addition mobile phones can help fill in your free time. For example you might play games on it while waiting for the flight.
Nevertheless using this kind of gadgets has its own drawbacks. First of all it has bad influence on health. Some statistics claim that if you place three phones round the egg and start calling about five minutes, this egg will be cooked. Different scientists tell us about harm of phones to our hearts, lungs and other organs.
All in all, though this wonder of engineering has bad sides we definitely could not deny its huge profits. Try to find someone who dares to throw his phone away. I find this mission impossible.

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Mobile phones: for and against