Мир талантливых людей / The world of talented people

In the world there are many different people. All people have hobbies: some people like dancing, others like to play on musical instruments, writing small stories and fantasy. For many people art is very important. Art enriches their life, conquers their hearts and feelings. These people are talented. For example, Beethoven, Bach, Shakespeare, Gogol, Pushkin, Rublev, Cervantes, Bryullov…

They have different destiny. L. Beethoven was born in Germany. He did not hear. But, despite it, he is the greatest composer and pianist, who wrote many compositions, such as unforgettable “the Ninth Symphony”, appealing “Lunaya sonata”, soft “To Eliza”. This music is popular in the world. Sebastian Bach is a German composer, too. His favourite musical Instrument is organ. He wrote religion and expressive classical music. His popular cantatas are “Meine Seel erhebt den Herren”, “Es erhub sichein Streit”, aria “Ach, dass right die letzte Stunde”.

W. Shakespeare is a famous poet and a playwright. He was born in England. His compositions are romantic and fascinating. For example, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”.

Andrew Rublev was born in the Moscow princedom. He is an icon painter, he has painted walls of many Russian church. His popular masterpieces are “Apostle Pavel”,”Sacred Trinity”. His pictures you can see in the Tretyakov gallery.

In the world there are many famous talented persons. I know many talented people, but to list all of Them is impossible. These people have given a life to art. Sure, there destiny is different. They have different outlook, lived at various years. But they are united by art. Great dancers, writers, architects, composers – these people thought differently. But their compositions are sensational, overwhelming, fascinating and, more than, eternal. Such pictures, poems, music are popular in the world. Name of talented people is associated with the great art. This art was created by centuries and is enriches history.

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Мир талантливых людей / The world of talented people