Любовь матери всегда с тобой / Mother`s love is always with you

Morning… I wake up, open my eyes…Who waits for my awakening? Girl-friends, the tutor… but for many years there is not a person whom I love so much… my mummy.

I have been living in the children`s home for many years… many years without you, mummy.

Mother… This is the best, sacred and gentle word on the earth! I want very much to walk with her along the woods gathering mushrooms and admiring majestic Khibini Mountains or to bake pies together. I would tell her for a long time what interesting I had learnt, seen or heard. I would trust her my secrets and mum would listen, be surprised, laugh and give advice.

Mum! A baby who has not yet made a step on the earth knows that he has a mother. The first word he pronounces so diligently Is “mum”! To whom I run to share my success and failure? To mum. When we make bad things, mum helps us to find the right way out, she regrets with us, suffers, waits, hopes. She will calm you, persuade that everything will get right, she herself will be sighing and crying the whole night. Mothers love their children! Whether they are good or bad, obedient or naughty.

Only those who knew the caress of mother since childhood are happy people, they grew in the warmth of her care. Children grow, also become adults, have their own families, but the whole life remember the lullaby song which there kind, loving mothers sang. They will never forget that mums gave them joy, happiness, a cloudless life. The hearts of all mothers are filled with love and tenderness. This is an Inexhaustible source of all miracles on the earth. The parents` hearts are always with their children in a difficult minute.

The Great Patriotic War… Afghanistan… Beslan and Tskhinvali… The most terrible torments fell to the mothers of lost children lot. It is difficult to appreciate the pain they live with, it is possible to wonder their courage! There is an episode in the remarkable

film “Only the old go into battle” when a young fellow perishes, his friends tell a lot of good words about him. One of his friends remembers: “When we were seen off to the war Vitika noticed that our mothers grew old unexpectedly…” Let`s try afflicting with our mothers less and taking more care of them. Let`s give them more attention and joy. Let there Will be no grief in their eyes. Don`t hesitate telling them gentle words, show our love, admire their beauty!

It is not astonishing that the image of woman, mother, the icons with her face inspired poets, artists and musicians at all times. Maxim Gorkiy glorified the woman-mother: “… Whose love does not know barriers, whose breast raised the whole world? Everything that is good in a person is from the sunbeams and milk which fill us with love to the life”. Kind, careful, sensitive, wise, loving mums trust in us. Trust profoundly. Their belief does not know the verges.

I am absolutely assured that if it was necessary to choose the best mothers, each person would choose his mother. Mum… Mummy! This is the dearest word to all of us. It is possible to speak About mothers infinitely, but it is necessary to say that there is nothing more dearest and important for me on earth than mother. I feel lack of her, her hands, warmth and love.

Evening… It`s time to go to bed… Who is next to me? Girl-friends, the tutor… but there is not a person whom I love and who is unique for me… my mummy.

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Любовь матери всегда с тобой / Mother`s love is always with you