Letter from the flylady’s mailing list (from flybaby l.)

Dear FlyLady,

Thank you SO much for introducing my family to Cozi! It has truly changed the way we function!

My children, ages 9 and 10, were skeptical at first, but once they got to choose their own color to represent them, they were sold! They love looking at the widget on their computer desktops every morning and “reminding” each other of what is coming up.

One feature I haven’t seen many of the FlyBabies talk about is the message function on the home page. My children love to send Mom a quick email at work to let me know about their day. I love to get a message from them; it really makes the work day go a little faster!

The To Do list function is amazing. It’s probably the part we use the most and it really keeps use FLYing!. I work full time and my husband stays at home because he is disabled. The Zone to-do lists show him exactly what needs to get done and give him a sense of purpose and direction he was lacking before. It takes a HUGE amount of stress off me because I know before I even leave work on Friday that most, if not all, of that zone has been cleaned and I won’t spend my whole Saturday trying to whip the house into shape. My children each have their own To Do list for the week, and they love going to the computer and checking off what items they have completed. As soon as Kelly’s challenge for them hits my inbox, I flip over to Cozi and put it on each of their lists. When they get home from school, they know what they need to do without anyone having to remind them of anything! It gives them a sense of pride to know they completed their challenge without even being asked.

We use the Shopping Lists a lot. With the mobile function, I can just whip out my phone at the store and check off the items as I go – no more fumbling with paper and pen! If my husband or children use the last of something (I’m look at you, toilet paper!), they can add it to the list right then. No more running to the neighbors for an emergency roll!

I love the fact that Cozi has the ability to sync with other calendar applications. We have a blended family and it is WONDERFUL to be able to sync the Cozi Calendar with a Google calendar. No more inconveniencing the other household with a million questions about who has which child when – we just synced their Google calendar to our Cozi calendar and BAM, there it is! It’s been great for my child to be able to see important dates and birthdays for their other extended family members that I wouldn’t have known about to tell them. Our master calendar at work is also a Google calendar. One simple click later and all my deadlines are populated onto the Cozi calendar. It’s finally all in one place!

Thank you for another fabulous tool that keeps my whole family FLYing!

Flybaby L.

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Letter from the flylady’s mailing list (from flybaby l.)