Letter from the flylady’s mailing list (flylady: laundry solution: wardrobe simplification)

Today we got an email with a wonderful wardrobe tip. It reminded me of an essay I wrote several years ago about our wardrobes and our children’s clothes. Here is the testimonial:

I like reading your essay on how many articles of clothing to own. I wanted to send a comment on my experience. Twenty five years ago, I got a divorce and needed to work but didn’t have ANYTHING (literally) that I could wear. My mother bought me 5 pairs of pants and 5 blouses to match. Every weekend, I would wash and iron the 5 work outfits and then I’d wear them all that week. It was very convenient and easy. I never wondered what I would wear!

Dear Friends,

Clothes are invading your sanity! Too much laundry to do! Not enough places to put them away! They are on the floor and any surface or hook in your home. The closets are packed full.

When is enough, ENOUGH????

Are you sick of dealing with this problem? Your skinny clothes keep you fat and your fat clothes are enticing you to get fat again!

Your children’s clothes are everywhere; you don’t even know what they can wear or what is to be handed down to the next child.

People give you clothes and you can’t tell them no, because you don’t know what you have.

So I am going to give you some guidelines for clothing.

FOR YOU! Keep it very simple. Mix and match. We are going for 7 outfits and couple of nice dress outfits.

7 pair of underwear dark colors and 7 light colors.
7 pair of socks assorted colors and 4 white pair
3 bras; one white, one black and one flesh tone.
1 black slip and one white slip.

2 pair of jeans Pants
1 pair of khakis Pants
1 pair of black or dark pants

2 skirts black, khaki, or print

3 nice blouses, white/cream, red, and black you get to pick your favorite colors

5 T-shirts. Jewel tone colors and one white one.
3 pair of shorts, denim, khaki, black

what ever you like

1 nice dress Black
1 jumper denim
1 summer fun dress.

1 summer weight blazer. I like red or yellow. You can dress up any outfit with a smart blazer.
1 winter wool blazer I like heather gray or navy

If you have to dress in suits for work you will need 4 skirts or dresses and a couple of sweater sets. Choose the items that make you feel good to work in and remember to mix and match. Then if you are like me, you need one power suit. Pick your favorite color and strut your stuff.

Then you will need one outfit for workout clothes cute and sassy and then one for yard work.

Just think about what you like to wear, and make sure you have enough for one full week. Add enough accents by the color in the T-shirts and blouses. I know this probably sounds really boring to you, but basis items of clothing never go out of style. So keep it SHE Simple.

Keep your shoes simple too. Tennis shoes, casual sandals and one dress pair of shoes. In the winter I wear dress boots, hiking boots and black pumps, navy pumps and slip on loafer type shoes.

This will take up very little room at all in your closet. You can do this if you will just release all of those clothes you will never wear again. Adapt this outline to fit your lifestyle. If you don’t wear pants, then concentrate on Dresses, same with shorts. This is not rocket science. Have a friend come over and help you mix and match. With these basic items of clothing, you can come up with several outfits. Let’s face it, we find what we love to wear and we wear it a lot.

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Letter from the flylady’s mailing list (flylady: laundry solution: wardrobe simplification)