Lesson 2: in the coffee shop

In the coffee shop.

W: English or Continental breakfast, madam?
R: Continental, please. With coffee. And an orange juice, please.
W: Very well, madam. What’s your room number?
R: 318 (three one eight).
W: Thank you.
M: Morning, Rita.
R: Hello, Mark. Come and join me. How are you?
M: Fine, thanks. A bit tired perhaps. And you?
R: Oh, I’m very well thanks. Where’s Annie?
M: She’s still in her room. What time is it, by the way?
R: Just after eight.
M: So we’re not in a hurry.
R: No, there’s plenty of time. Frank’s still in bed. He’s very tired. Ah, here’s the waitress…
W: Coffee, sir?
M: Yes, please. And an English breakfast. – Who’s that man over there, Rita? His face is familiar.
R: You’re right. But who is he? Someone from television perhaps?
M: Yes, television… Oh, he’s the detective in that programme on Friday nights. What’s it called?
R: “Too Tough for Scotland Yard”.
M: That’s it. He’s the detective in “Too Tough for Scotland Yard”.

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Lesson 2: in the coffee shop