Как написать хорошее резюме на английском языке / How to write a resume in English language

To write a resume in English language can be more difficult than in Russian language because English s not your native tongue. Here are steps how to write a standard resume format:

1. You should start a resume by writing full name, address (use the abbreviations like building – Blg, apartment – Apt. because it shows that you know English well), telephone number (with code if you live in the other country), fax, email (name of email should be more professional for example, use your name and surname like

But do never use name of email

Of cause you can use it but among your family and friends. Not in official documents like a resume.). All this stuff has to be at the top of the resume.

2. You should take notes on work experience: a position you had, company information and time that your employer see what kind of skills and responsibilities you have.

3. You should take notes on education: your type of degree, certificates, courses you have taken, school names and time.

4. You should take notes on your accomplishments: membership in organizations and any other special accomplishments.

5. You can include additional skills such as languages spoken and computer programming knowledge.

6. Your entire resume should not be longer than one page because an employee does not read a lot of resumes. One page s enough.

7. The last one is to use tenses in the past, except your present job.

To write a good resume can take a lot of time because it is not an easy task but if you do it well, you will soon get a good job. Good luck!!!

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Как написать хорошее резюме на английском языке / How to write a resume in English language