Как написать эссе

Many scholarship competitions require writing an essay. You can ask: “why do they do it?”. One of the most important reasons is to get to know about a person who`s applying for the scholarship. They will ask you about your GPA, volunteer positions and leadership positions. While they are reading your essay, they try to understand what makes you different from the crowd and look for a reason to select you over all the others. While you are writing an essay, you should ask yourself: “Do you find your essay enough good? Can my essay be chosen by the final awards committee? Is it unique?”. Your essay should show you as an individual personality who really can be a good candidate for a scholarship. You should know the structure of how to write an essay and an essay should be Succinct. Then at least one person should proofread it before submitting it. Also, you have to follow the rules because I believe that scholarship committees do not look at applicants that ignore their rules. Do not use slang or jargons in an essay. And ask someone whose opinion you trust to read your essay and give you constructive criticism. And one but not the last thing is to be confident. I believe in you!!!

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Как написать эссе