К Деду в Мороз! / To the Father Frost in freezing cold weather!

Lapland has never been a separate state: it`s a region divided between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia. For the last decades the hands of hardworking Finns turned their own part of Lapland into a fairy-tale country consisting of snowy hills, gingerbread houses, deers` farms, a real Father Frost and everything you want.

Winter sports are the favourite Finland`s tradition. You can go skating or skiing even to the night – runs work till 8 o`clock in the evening and half of them are lit up. The resorts of Lapland are the Mecca for skiers. However the life here turns not onlyaround sport. There are many souvenirs` shops, bars and cafes in Lapland. One of the obligatory places of visit is the restaurant “Kammin” in the complex “Hullu Poro” (it`s translated into English as “crazy deer”). The hall is situated in the local tent, trimmed with furs and hung with antlers. Swedish table is organized around the open fire where all the dishes are cooked. The necessary visit place is the deer farm. Special for you the white and downy deer will be harnessed in a sledge, than you`ll be explained how to ride it and after that you`ll be sent for a ride through the forest after the guide-saam. But remember: a deer has no resemblance to a calm cow, and if you don`t keep distance it will easily turn the sledge over. With adventures or not on the tenth kilometer you`ll come to the house in the forest where you can feel like a real saam. You`ll be cooking venison on the fire, malevolently remembering your eager “transport”. By the way every deer in Lapland has its owner and brand on the ear. A special interest presents “The Snowy Hotel”, the huge building from snow and ice with restaurant, bar and many bedrooms: tables, benches, bar counter and even window-blinds – everything is made of snow and ice. You can stay here for the night, of course for a special pay. You`ll get sleeping bag, hot shower and breakfast in a neighboring wooden house.

The village of Father Frost is near the city Rovanielli. Father Christmas receives guests in summer and winter, and guarantee that if you whisper your wish in his ear it will be immediately realized. It`s very warm, bright and cheerful in the office of Father Frost. After the meeting with him you can go to the restaurant “Santamus” which is next to his office. It`s a magic world consisting of huge bogs, stones, trees and lake right in the middle of the hall. It`s raining here and desert emerges on a wooden boat from the deep fog. Except impressions from fairy-tale New Year Lapland you`ll be remembered the seal in the passport, telling that you`ve really been to England.

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К Деду в Мороз! / To the Father Frost in freezing cold weather!