Justin richards – code of the krillitanes (doctor who book)

Name: Code of The Krillitanes
Writer: Justin Richards
Fanhome: Doctor Who
Characters: 10th Doctor

Chapter One
It was a lovely sunny day, and something was very wrong
The Doctor thrust his hands deep into his jacket pockets
And sniffed the London air. It smelled just as he expected, so
There was nothing wrong there. Well, there was nothing more
Wrong than usual.
He set off down the street, nodding a greeting to a
Curious cat. He smiled at an old lady carrying shopping bags.
She smiled back, then hurried on her way.
A few children were kicking a football about. The Doctor
Leaned against the end wall of a house and watched them for
A while. The street ended in a small turning area where the
Ball bounced off the walls of houses. Two bundled
Sweatshirts marked out a goal.
The ball bounced off a wall and rolled up to the Doctor.
He picked it up and threw it back to a boy with spiky black
Hair, who ran after it. The boy was about 12 and had teeth
That were still too big for his mouth.
‘Training for the Olympics?’ the Doctor asked.
‘That’s not for years yet,’ the boy told him.
‘Oh.’ The Doctor was disappointed. ‘I must be a bit early.’
He licked his index finger and held it up to test the breeze.
‘2010, yes?’
The boy nodded. His friends had joined him and were
Watching the Doctor with interest.
‘You’re funny,’ one of the other boys said.
‘Very often,’ the Doctor agreed.
The spiky-haired boy was eating crisps from a brightly
Coloured packet. He offered the Doctor one.
‘No thanks. You have to be careful how much salt you
Eat, you know.’
The boy agreed. ‘I know. Six grams is probably too much
For an adult. Nearly half the people in Britain

go over that.
The sodium is what does the damage. High blood pressure,
Risk of heart disease…’
The Doctor listened as the boy explained. He went into
More and more detail about the dangers of eating too much
Salt. Then he paused to eat another crisp.
‘Is he always like this?’ the Doctor asked the other boys.
‘He’ll be explaining Einstein’s Theory next.’
He had meant it as a joke, but the spiky-haired boy took
This as an excuse to do exactly that. ‘The “constant” that
Einstein used was the speed of light,’ the boy was saying as
The Doctor stifled a yawn.
‘Actually, I did know that,’ he admitted.
The boy was talking faster and faster. Before long, he
And the other boys had explained how to bypass Einstein.
They knew how to design spaceships that could travel faster
Than light.
By this time, the Doctor had stopped yawning. ‘Where do
You go to school?’ he asked.
Then he realised that the boys had gone back to their
Football. One of them loudly worked out the angle he would
Have to bounce the ball off one of the walls to get it in the
Goal. The Doctor frowned. The boy was exactly right.
A woman had come out of one of the houses and was
Watching the boys. The Doctor guessed that she was one of
Their mums.
‘Clever kids,’ he said, joining her.
The woman smiled. ‘They’re a good lot, really. At least
They’re playing footie, instead of bothering other people.’
‘They bother me,’ the Doctor said. ‘Oh, not in a bad way.
But the things they say are a bit worrying.’
The woman had a bag of crisps. It was the same brand
As the boy had been eating. It had the same bright
Packaging. She offered the bag to the Doctor, and this time
He took one.
‘They’re good, aren’t they? For crisps they’re very, er,

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Justin richards – code of the krillitanes (doctor who book)