Jane thayer “who is coming?&raquo

One morning Grandmother got up early in the morning, because she had a lot to do. She called to Grandfather, ”Jack, get out of the bed! You know who’s coming today!”
After breakfast Grandmother said, “Now, Grandfather, please go to the shop. Get some ham, and some chops. Because you know who’s coming today”.
“How about potatoes?” said Grandfather.
“Oh, we don’t want that!” said Grandmother. “But we want a lot of bananas, and apples, some nuts and some sweets.”
Grandfather went away. Grandmother took the butter, eggs and sugar. She mixed them together.
“I think I’ll make a cake,” said Grandmother. She made a cake.
“I’ll make some nice fresh rolls,” said Grandmother. Then she cooked a pudding.
The milkman came. He said, “One bottle us usual?” Grandmother said happily, “Six! Because you know who’s coming!”
When Grandfather came home from the shop, the cake stood at the window, rolls were rising on the kitchen table and the pudding was ready.
“We must have a little ice-cream,” said Grandmother. “Please, go back to the shop, Grandfather, and get some ice-cream.”
Then Grandmother tied a pink bow on Timothy the cat. She tied a blue bow on Brownie the dog. She gave the best blue suit and a red tie to Grandfather.
Then she put on her flowered dress.
“I think we are ready,” said Grandmother.
She heard a car drive up. She hurried to the door. Grandfather in his best blue suit, Timothy in his pink bow and Brownie in his blue bow hurried to the door too. Grandmother opened it.
And here was Jefferson Jonas the third! He was six years old and he came to see his Grandmother and Grandfather!

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Jane thayer “who is coming?&raquo