Is this what you want your five-year-old learning about sex

Is this what you want YOUR five-year-old learning about sex? Explicit materials cleared for schools

Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.
A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.
The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.

Among the books singled out in the report is How Did I Begin? by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom which has a cartoon image of a couple in bed in an intimate embrace.
It is accompanied by an explanation – using frank and adult terminology – of the act of intercourse.
Another, called The Primary School Sex And Relationships Education Pack by HIT UK, includes material to allow children aged five to 11 to learn about different sexual positions and prostitution.
The BBC has been highlighted for an educational video featuring full frontal nudity, while its learning resources department, BBC Active, shows computer-generated images of male genitalia.
All the material has been recommended by councils for use at ages ‘seven-plus’.
The dossier, compiled by the Christian Institute, also pinpoints a book called Let’s Talk About Sex, by Robie H Harris, which includes a chapter on heterosexuality called ‘Straight and Gay’.
Furious family campaigners have described the material as ‘too much, too young’ and warn it will encourage sexualisation.
Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, said: ‘The current approach to sex education demands ever more explicit sex education at ever younger ages.

Controversial: A worrying dossier exposes a range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons. Books singled out include Let’s Talk About

Sex, which includes a chapter on heterosexuality called ‘Straight and Gay’ – and How Did I Begin?, which has a cartoon image of a couple in bed in an intimate embrace
‘Parents don’t want their children to be exposed to material which sexualises them and most would be deeply upset if these materials were used with their primary-aged child.
‘If public bodies believe these resources are suitable for young children, there is clearly a problem with their judgment and more control needs to be given to parents.’
The Christian Institute identified 16 councils which have recommended explicit books and videos to schools.
These include Derby City, Devon County, Swindon County, Worcestershire County, Hampshire County, Birmingham City and Brighton and Hove, many of which have links to the material on their websites.
At present, primary and secondary schools have to teach pupils ‘age-appropriate’ science lessons about the biology of sex.

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Schools must also have a sex education policy, although the subject is compulsory only in secondary education. However, the Coalition is reviewing sex education.
Before the election, the Liberal Democrats said they ‘unreservedly’ supported mandatory sex education in primary schools.
But in its report, the Christian Institute warns ministers that compulsory sex education would lead to the proliferation of explicit material.

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Is this what you want your five-year-old learning about sex