Is it bad to wash your hair every day

The hair is considered as a woman’s crowning glory. Women pride of their long, smooth, soft, and silky locks. And various advertising and hair care product companies take advantage of this obsession among women.
Shampoos, conditioners, and leave-on creams are sold in the market promising to give you that desirable soft and shiny hair as long as you keep on using these products often. But how often should you use these? And here goes the dilemma among many women, do we wash our hair every single day or do we take breaks from washing our hair?
We always ask, “Is it bad to wash your hair every day?” And we get mixed responses on this boggling question. Some would say yes, it is bad to wash your hair every day. Others say that it is okay to wash your hair each day. So, what do we do if we want that perfect hair every woman dreams of?
For one, we should know first the type of hair we have. You can actually tell if your hair is all dry and damaged or if it is too oily and greasy. Once you know your hair type, you can decide whether or not washing every day is bad for your hair or not.
Most hair stylists would advise you against washing your hair each day because it can dry up your hair, making it more rough and damaged. And that is true. Shampoo washes away the natural oils of your hair along with the grime and dirt that may have accumulated through the day. Hair needs lubrication and so, these natural oils must not all be washed out.
However, some of us have hairs that are extra oily than the normal and unless you wash your hair with shampoo, your hair can get all sticky and greasy through the day. And this can get even worse if day turns out to be too hot and you have been sweating out all day. If this is the case, then it is perfectly fine to wash your hair every day. The oils in your hair should be maintained. Too much oil can lead to scalp acne and dandruff.
The key is finding the right amount of time you spend washing your hair. If your hair is too dry, just wash it at least once a week. If your hair is normal, then washing it 2 to 3 times a week or even every other day would be fine. If it is too oily, wash it every day.
You should also find the perfect shampoo, conditioner, and other hair products that would work well for your type of hair. If you have oily hair, avoid using heavy conditioner and if you must use conditioner, apply it only on the tips. If your hair is dry, use a conditioner to give back the moisture that your hair needs.

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Is it bad to wash your hair every day