Interview: deftones

01 September 2011
We chat to the band at this year’s Leeds Festival.

A couple of hours before their return to Leeds Festival, we caught up with Deftones in their dressing room to chat about the festival weekend, touring, their latest album Diamond Eyes and their plans for the rest of this year.
-How was Reading?
It was pretty cool, I think. We went out there and did our thing, what we do. I enjoyed it. Once you get your head around the mud, you have fun hanging around at night in the VIP area, drinking. It’s a fun festival, a lot of fun.
-What are you hoping to get from Leeds today?
I think we’re leaving really fast, so we’re just trying to have a really good show. We’ll have a good time.
-Is it hard keeping it fresh for yourselves on tour?
Not really. We have a lot of songs, there’s a big discography. There are those songs you like to play and people like to hear, but we’ll bring out things here and there. They’re usually in different cities or special cases, but we like to adapt to the situation. It’s almost like setlists have a life span.
-Are you excited to be back in the UK this weekend?
We love being here.
-Do you noticed a difference in crowds?
What I noticed is how much people are similar. Yeah, people have their distinct things like fashion, but people just want a good time. Out here, you guys have been doing these festivals crossing genres for years. In the States, it hasn’t had that longevity I guess, but it’s no different. Maybe people are more willing to brave the elements out here than in the States.
-These are your only festival appearances this year. Is there something special about Reading and Leeds?
Yeah, cos it’s Reading and Leeds! We all grew up hearing about it as kids when you’re in a band. It was pretty much logistical. We were here anyway, so we hit the ones we can en route.

played a similar slot a couple of years ago. Would you prefer playing higher up on one of the smaller stages?
Yeah, that’s where we would do best. That’s what we’ll try to do next time. It makes more sense for us. It’s fun being on the Main Stage, but we want to taste the tent, you know? We can pretty much guarantee how that’s going to taste.
-Do you prefer more intimate shows?
Not necessarily. It depends on the time of the day, the elements, the festival in general, the line-up. Tents are fun, but they’re also hot. It all depends.
-Does playing a festival differ to your own headline shows?
Not so much with the playing, but more the social component. You’re going to come across so many people, different bands, crew, and some of the staff. You’ll remember somebody from the last time. It’s definitely a social thing.
-Today you’re playing alongside bands like The Offspring and Rise Against, and you’ve got a fairly diverse sound. How do you think you’ll fit in?
I don’t think we’ve ever really tried to fit in. We just do what we do and try to enjoy it. We like sticking out like the thorn.
-You had your tour around Europe and the States. How was that?
It was awesome, lots of good shows and good memories. It’s just been really good. We had awesome tours and great comradery with other bands.
-Do you prefer that to being in the studio?
No, that’s fun too! It’s all part of it. It always seems like just about the time you’ve been doing one long enough, you’re stoked to do the other. They work hand-in-hand. It’s awesome.
-Do you separate them in a cycle, or write on the road?
We’ve pretty much always had it separate. We tried to write on the road, and it’s not like we can’t. It just doesn’t seem to have worked yet.

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Interview: deftones