In, on (place)

In, On (Place)
Category: Prepositions

In and on are prepositions of place. When talking about the position of objects regarding 2-dimensional (flat) surfaces like tables, floors, ceilings, etc., on is used. ex. There is an apple on the table.
When talking about 3-dimensional spaces like boxes, rooms, cities or countries, in is used. ex. There is an apple in the bag. ex. He is in Russia.
There are some exceptions and special cases: People are in clothes. ex. The man in the suit is my boss. Clothes and jewelry are on people. ex. The jacket looks good on you.
The following expressions are set phrases: in a book, in the newspaper, in a car/taxi, on a bus/train/plane/ship, in a story, on a page, on a street

Prepositions of place are found just in front of the place word or phrase.
Preposition of place + place word or phrase
Ex. in the bedroom; on top of the table

Related Expressions
At (place) at (time) in (time) on (time)

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In, on (place)