Iced earth – something wicked (part 1)

I can see clearly now
A painful vision indeed
An attempt at genocide, 12,000 years of pain
The human thirst for dominance
Leads them to Setianground
The gravest of all threats now exists
All galaxies could suffer
Imagine the consequence if Man does succeed
The universe and all that lives
Will suffer evermore
Like a virus Man will spread
Through the time continuum
It’s a power they can’t comprehend

So heed my word
A prophecy that’s bleak and hauting
Acceptance not fear
Will pave the way for life returning
The Elder foreseen
In Sacred Flames our world is burning
Yet more things are clear
By grand design, punishment unfolding

Faith in the prophecy
We’ll take this tragedy, unite as one
Fate, show man no sympathy
Something Wicked feeds, thy will be done

Ten thousand souls
One for every year of framing
One of thirteen The High Priest and
The twelve that council
Charged with our tome
Retribution for our loved ones suffering In secret they’ll meet
A global network that endures for centuries

Faith in the prophecy
We’ll take this tragedy, unite as one
Fate, show man no sympathy
Something Wicked feeds, thy will be done

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Iced earth – something wicked (part 1)