How will entries be judged?(imagine cup)

How Will Entries Be Judged?
Round 1

Local Country/Region Competition Phase:

All local country/region competitions will adhere to the same global judging criteria as outlined below.

Online Finals Qualifying:

If your local rules indicate that your Team’s entry is subject to the Online Finals Qualifying round, your video presentation will be evaluated by a panel of qualified international judges based on the judging criteria below. The top two (2) or more teams will be selected from the pool of all countries/regions participating in the Online Finals Qualifying round to advance to the Worldwide Finals in New York City, USA.

Round 2 – Worldwide Finals

Judging will take place in three (3) phases as follows:

Phase 1

A panel of qualified international judges will review and score each Team’s video entry according to the judging criteria set forth below.
Then, each team will present its software solution in the form of a twenty (20) minute presentation, along with a fifteen (15) minute question and answer period. Teams will be scored based on the judging criteria set forth below. At the end of Phase 1, both Phase 1 scores will be tallied, and up to twelve (15) teams will advance to Phase 2.
Phase 2

Each of the remaining Teams will present its entry again, in the form of a twenty (20) minute presentation, along with a fifteen (15) minute question and answer period, to another judging panel consisting of different judges. The judges will assess each Team based on the criteria set forth below. At the end of Phase 2, the Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores will be combined, and the top six (6) Teams will advance to Phase 3.

Phase 3

Each of the remaining Teams will present its entry again, in the form of a twenty (20) minute presentation, along with a fifteen (15) minute question and answer period, to another judging panel consisting of different judges. The judges will assess

each Team based on the criteria set forth below. At the end of Phase 3, the Phase 3 scores will be tallied, and the First Place, Second Place, and Third Place teams will be announced.




Problem Definition

How precise and relevant is the real world problem? How interesting or difficult to resolve – functionally or technically – is the problem being challenged? For this criterion, we only focus on the problem challenged, not on the solution created to solve this problem. How well does the project adhere to the current 2011 Theme?


Solution Design & Innovation

Does the application approach a new problem, or look at an old problem in a new way? Is the solution completely innovative or does it rely on an existing concept/technology? Does the application impact a large number of people very broadly, or impact a smaller number of people very deeply? To which degree does the application actually solve the current problem?


Technical Architecture & User Experience

Is the system architecture broken down into logical chunks and modules? Is the project technically open to some evolution? Is it only made with a monolithic block or does it present interfaces enabling extensions (SDKs or APIs)? To which degree are the HMI (Human Machine Interfaces) intuitive, ergonomic and user friendly? Does the application leverage the presence of fresh and updated data?


Business Viability

Is the application technically and economically viable? Is this solution only theoretical or does it have a realistic application for commercial purposes?

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How will entries be judged?(imagine cup)