How to make your own poster paints

You can create a bright spectrum of poster paints unmatched by the store-bought variety, and for half the cost. The main ingredient is powder paint, sold in hobby shops and the art supply sections of department stores.


* Small saucepan
* Measuring cup
* Mixing spoon
* Small jars with covers
* Measuring spoons


* Water
* Flour
* Powder paint
* Clear liquid detergent
* Liquid laundry starch

Yield: 4 small jars of poster paint

Buy a variety of powder paints so you can mix several colors. The three primary colors – red, yellow, blue – and white are good basics; go on from there to mix whatever colors you like.

In a small saucepan, slowly add 1 cup water to 1/4 cup flour, stirring constantly. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the paste begins to thicken. Remove from heat and cool.

Use a small jar with a cover for each color desired. Measure 1/4 cup paste into each jar and add 2 tablespoons of water. Add 3 tablespoons of any color of powder paint, and mix well. If the mixture seems too dry, add water, 1/2 teaspoon at a time; stir well after each addition. For a glossy finish, add 1/2 teaspoon of clear liquid detergent to each jar; for an opaque finish, add 1/2 teaspoon of liquid laundry starch.

Cover the jars tightly; stir before each use.

Quick detergent paints. For instant poster paints, mix 2 teaspoons of powder paint with 1 tablespoon of clear liquid detergent for each color desired. Stir well.

You can use this poster paint for all kinds of projects. For instance, you can use them to decorate a piñata you make yourself using our instructions on the next page.

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How to make your own poster paints