How to enjoy spring

As winter bids farewell and the days start warming and brightening, it’s possible to start feeling your mood improve, as you’re less weighed down by the cold and dreary days of winter. Spring is a time to renew your goals, refresh your home, and to unearth your garden from its wintry layers. As the ever-growing days beckon you to spend more time outside, you’ll easily find many ways to keep you outside of the house enjoying the fresh spring days.

1. Start planning. The beginning of spring is the best time to plan how you’ll enjoy the rest of spring. Whether it’s gardening, spring cleaning, starting a new course, having a makeover, organizing renovations, or any other project or activity that is perfect to undertake during spring, planning for it will help you to make the most of the spring months. Spring is the ideal time to set the pace for the coming warm months, including any transitions or transformations you’re hoping to make. If you want to take a summer vacation, start planning for it now if you haven’t already started.

2. Spring clean. This age-old tradition of clearing away the cobwebs of winter will give your house a fresh beginning for the warmer months ahead and make the house and surrounds more inviting and enjoyable for you and your family and friends. Spring is a great time to do thorough cleaning because many of us have pent-up energy to expend and after being cooped up for much of winter, the energy levels are on the rise again. Spring cleaning isn’t as mundane as routine cleaning because it’s about making space, clearing out things, and even making space should you find unwanted things around.

Check that you’ve got all the cleaning supplies you’ll need. Look closely at brooms, brushes, mops, and sponges to see if they’re still in good condition or whether its time to replace them.

Have all your cleaning solutions ready. If you’re making your

own cleaning solutions, check out wikiHow’s suggestions under Home cleaning preparations.

Wait for the first few warm days of spring and get started. Clear the trash and clutter, sweep down cobwebs, dust everything, and donate or dispose of anything you don’t need in the house anymore.

Don’t forget the garage, car, any out-buildings, and garden sheds.

Clean out your computer files and emails. No time like springtime to get rid of your digital mess too! The less cluttered your digital life, the more time you have to enjoy the days of spring.

3. Consider redecoration or renovation; perhaps even a move. This is a good time to sit back and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current living space and to reach a decision about whether or not it could be improved through a change in decoration styles or additions through decorations. And if you’re finding your house is too small or big, or that it’s not meeting your needs and you don’t want to renovate, spring is usually a good time to place your house on the market and to find a new one with ease.

Redecoration doesn’t have to mean the entire house. Perhaps sprucing up your bedroom or your living area will be enough of a new direction for you and/or the family this year.

Renovations can take time to plan and get consent for. The earlier you start thinking about them, the better.
If you’re not sure whether it’s better to move or renovate, read How to decide whether to move or renovate to help you make the decision.

4. Bring flowers into the house. Spring flowers will bring joy into the house with their bright colors and lovely fragrances.

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How to enjoy spring