How dsl and adsl works

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) are high speed broadband Internet connections that can be established on your home network via transmission over your telephone line. Before you decide on this type of connection, it is important to consider where you live and if this type of connection is available in your local area.

DSL and ADSL both provide a faster way to connect to the Internet. If you use a lot of multimedia and gaming applications a DSL or ADSL line is a necessity to run these applications efficiently.
How DSL and ADSL Works

Regardless of which type of connection you choose to use, it is not necessary to make changes to your telephone service line because both types of services do not interfere with the normal operations of the telephone connection. With DSL and ADSL you can talk on the telephone and surf the Internet simultaneously.

* ADSL: An ADSL line is used when you tend to download more information than you upload. For example, if you open a website you are actually downloading data over the ADSL line via transmission over your telephone line. ADSL is used to download data faster over a regular telephone line

* DSL: A DSL connection is different from an ADSL connection because it transmits data through the unused wires in your telephone line. These are the lines that are not being used by voice signals. The high speed Internet connection is achieved by using all of the bandwidth in the unused wires in your telephone line. This is also why it is possible to talk on the phone and surf the Internet at the same time.

* Speed: Both DSL and ADSL lines provide high speed Internet connectivity, however the speed sometimes will vary depending upon your geographic location and your distance from the central switching station.

* Limitations: There are a few limitations when deploying DSL or ADSL. If your telephone contains partial fiber optics, the data from a DSL or ADSL will be incapable of passing through fiber optic technology. Also, if there are enhancements added to your telephone line to improve your service this also may cause problems with a DSL or ADSL connection.

A DSL or ADSL connection is well worth deploying on your home network especially if you work online or spend a lot of time on the Internet in general. Also, with the increase in multimedia, it is becoming almost impossible to do without a DSL or ADSL type of connection.

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How dsl and adsl works