How can i learn to automate my testing using selenium

In this blog post, I’m going to lay out the Evil Tester free and simple 8 step guide to learning how to automate a Web Browser using Selenium.
I’ll reveal the sources of information you can use.

I see the same questions, and variations on these questions, asked on social network forums every few days.
“How can I learn Selenium?”
“How do I use Selenium?”
“What do I read?”
“How do I get started with Selenium?”
“I want the answers. Please do the needful”
For some reason the previous answers don’t stick. Or people can’t find them. Or maybe they don’t look for them. Or, something… I don’t know.
But a lot of people have tried very hard to make Selenium easy to get into, and to help get you started. So if you are prepared to put the work in. The Answers are out there. Just don’t expect someone to magically drop the information into your brain, you have to put the work in to follow the learning steps.
Expect to put in some work.
If you are prepared to do that.
Then the pointers in here will help you.
First learn a bit about Selenium
Start with the basics.
Research what the tool sets out to do. Visit the official site. Have a look around.
Follow and read the the “Learn Selenium” links
Read the documentation
Need/Want more than the Official Documentation
You can read two books:
Selenium Simplified by Alan Richardson
Selenium 1.0 Testing Tools by David Burns
I wrote a comparative review of them here:
Both David and I wrote our books when the Official documentation was harder to get into than it is now, so we aimed these books at the beginner. If you consider yourself a beginner and find the official documentation too hard. Then get hold of these books.
The official documentation has improved massively and the Selenium

team have done a great job. These books go beyond the official documentation and add additional value. Sometimes people need more in depth tutorials, and more examples, more code samples, and these books provide that.
Selenium is Open-Source, Learning should be free too
OK, if you say so.
Both books have free previews. And these are big previews. Last time I checked mine was 75 pages. At the end of which you will have installed all the basic tools. Recorded a test in the IDE. Converted the test to Java. Run the test in the Eclipse IDE. Learned how to debug tests in an IDE. Learned how to start and stop the Selenium Server programmatically. And given pointers of where else to look for more information. For some training courses, that would be day 1.
They cover:
Installing the tools you need,
Recording your first script in the IDE,
Converting that into program code – because you do not want to get stuck in the IDE
And all of that in the free previews.
My book leads you through the process of automating some basic web pages and covers automating most of the common HTML features, automating AJAX, and refactoring your tests into Page Objects and building an abstraction layer. And even through the steps needed to put your tests into continuous integration. All in a consistent tutorial guide.
Read this comparative review, follow up the links, read the previews and tables of contents and see which books meets your needs.

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How can i learn to automate my testing using selenium