Home is happiness

“Happiness is not some abstract notion. It is made of priceless moments which constitute our life: warm gatherings with friends; family dinners; coming back home after a hard day at work; a holiday spent together with your loved ones. Happiness is home”.
Juha Vättö
Regional Director Lemminkäinen Talo Oy International.

Lemminkäinen is launching its new housing brand in St. Petersburg with the concept Home is Happiness. Promaco agency was chosen for the branding development. The idea of the concept was to stress on situations from a personal home, where families, couples, singles experience real moments. The concept takes the receiver in to the Lemminkäinen home and in to the apartment. The branding concept avoids showing huge buildings, prices and special offer focus, that is the usual way of communicating sales of apartments.

The concept also highlights the Finnish connection and lifts forward the Finnish management with personal presence in print visuals.

The concept follows the general brand guidelines from Finland, but with local adaption of brand elements and visuals.

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Home is happiness