
What is a hobby? It’s something that you like to do when you have time to spare. People like to do different things, sometimes hobbies are very unusual. Extravagant people prefer to collect some special things. I remember a film about a girl whose hobby was to collect echoes. She lived in the Crimea. She used to explore mountains on the shore, and she found different echoes there among the cliffs.

There was a man who collected old trains. Another man collected old cars. But such collections need a lot of money and the place where to keep them. More often people are fond of collecting small things: stamps, match-boxes, coins, stickers.

Very often people collect stamps, envelopes, postcards. It’s a traditional hobby of most children. I should say that stamps open the world for you. It’s interesting to imagine those countries from where the letters come. There in nothing better than to get a letter from your pen-friend and to see a new stamp on it. Some of the stamps are very beautiful. We learn many interesting things about these countries. Sometimes we stage fairy tales in English. Its great!

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