Goldilocks and the three bears

One day Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest. She came to a little house. She knocked on the door but the house was empty. Goldilocks wetn inside.
There were three bowls of soup on the table. Goldilocks was hungry.
She tried the first bowl of soup. “Ugh! Too salty!”
She tried the second bowl of soup. “Ugh! Too sweet!”
She tried the third bowl of soup. “Mmm! Just right!” Goldilocks finished the soup.
Goldilocks went upstairs. There were three beds in bedroom.
She tried the fist bed. “Ugh! Too hard!”
She tried the second bed. “Ugh! Too soft!”
She tried the third bed. “Mmm! Just right!” Goldilocks went to sleep.
The three bears came home.
“Look at my soup!”sayd father bear.
“Look at my soup!”sayd mother bear.
“Look at my soup!”sayd baby bear.
The bears went upstair.
“Look at my bed!”sayd father bear
“Look at my bed!”sayd mother bear.
“Look at my bed!”sayd baby bear.
Goldilocks woke up and saw the bears. She jumped up, ran down the stairs and out of the house.

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Goldilocks and the three bears