Getting acquainted with the staff

H. B.: I thinkI I’d better take this opportunity to explain to you exactly who’s who in the company. You’ll need to know who to go to if you want to contact a particular manager. Let’s start right at the top: David Burton is the Managing Director and his Personal Assistant is Mary Wilkins. The company is divided into four departments: Production, Personnel, Marketing and Finance. Ok?
W.: Right. Let’s deal with each one in turn. Michael Stout looks after Production, and his title is Production Manager, and Daniel Harkin works as Personal Assistant in the Production Department. Then there are two secretaries. Is that so?
H. B.:Yes
W.: Moving on to Personal, we’ve got Sheila Polson, and her title is Personnel Director. Jane Hargreaves works for Sheila Polson as Personal Assistant. And then there are two secretaries in the department. Ok?
H. B.: Yes, fine. As you know, I’m the Marketing Manager and for the next two months you are going to work as my Personal Assistant. Helen Wright and Karen Williams, the two secretaries in the department, will report to you. Is that clear? and finally…Paul Cummins is responsible for the Finance Department. his PA (Personal Assistant) is Judith Walker. And then there are three secretaries in the department. You’ve met one already, I think. So that’s a brief overview of the structure of the company. Do you have any questions?…

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Getting acquainted with the staff