Gellish example road

Gellish Example ROAD

Version 4
26 January 2006

Authors: Gellish Forum
Editor: Piet van Merendonk

1 Introduction

The Gellish Forum developed this example of a road in order to clarify the use of the Open Source Gellish language, in particular for the civil engineering application domain. With some imagination, this example can be converted into other application domains.
The attached spreadsheet contains a Gellish Table with the model of the road as well as the definition of concepts, knowledge and some constraints (requirements) as well as a translation of the concepts to Dutch. It illustrates the capabilities of Gellish powered software for automated translation of a model that is expressed in one Gellish version to any other version, such as from Gellish English to Gellish Dutch and vice versa.
This document with an accompanying spreadsheet is also available in Dutch.
General information about the definition of the Gellish language and in particular about the definition of the standard Gellish Table can be found on the Open Source website: http://sourceforge. net/project/showfiles. php? group_id=28353.
Note 1: The new concepts that are defined in this document, as well as the knowledge that is expressed by relations between those concepts, are candidates for addition to the Gellish Smart Dictionary and to ISO 15926-4. Once such concepts and knowledge is added to the standard it can be re-used by other models and it does not need to be redefined each time.
Note 2: Relevant choices on the use of Gellish are clarified in the text that is enclosed by boundaries.

2 Basic assumptions (context)
The modeled example includes a description in Gellish English of a part of a road in a road network with a few roundabouts.
The description should be such that, for example, it is possible to perform calculations about streams of traffic on the basis of the modeled traffic intensity.

/> Figure 1 presents (a part of) the description of the following road:
Figure 1, Scheme of Road net_1

The road segment (N5) connects roundabout 1 (R1) with roundabout 2 (R2). Roundabout 2 is also connected to two other roads (N51 and N52).
Road N5 consists of two tracks each with two lanes and a middle shoulder. Road N51 and N52 both are roads with single lane tracks.
The following aspects are relevant for the execution of calculations:
– The intensity of the traffic stream on the roads
– The capacity of the roads
– The distribution of the flow of entry and exit traffic on the roundabouts.
The concepts that are required for the classification of the roads and their components, as well as for the classification of the aspects that are relevant for making the calculations have to be available in the Gellish dictionary.
The roads should be described as part of the Dutch road network; each road shall be uniquely identified.
The roads are described by the road manager, which does not need to be the owner of the roads.
1 Addition of concepts to the nomenclature, dictionary and taxonomy (assuming that most of them are not yet available):
a. Concepts about a road.
b. Concepts about a road network (for the calculations).
c. Concepts required for the calculations.
2 Description of the roads.
3 Description of streams of traffic through the network for making calculations.

3 Nomenclature, dictionary and taxonomy

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