Future of russian tourism

Until now, incoming tourism in Russia, whose potential estimated by many experts as extremely high, demonstrates the extremely low rate of development.
The main problem for the development of tourism in Russia is the language barrier. Russian language is based on the Cyrillic alphabet, so reading or at least interpretation of the inscriptions and texts, made in Russian, for most tourists from Western countries is extremely difficult, because their alphabet is based on Latin script, and transliteration of the signs and translations of texts cannot often be found in Russia. At the same time, the situation is gradually changing, and now you can find signs of dubbed in Latin text. In addition, very few people abroad in Moscow and St. Petersburg can speak English, although almost in all Russian schools English (or German) language is taught. People who speak a foreign language, are considered foreigners, and the cost of visiting many attractions and souvenirs may be different for them several times higher to relative prices for the local population.
Inbound tourism in Russia is hampered by high prices and lack of advertising abroad as well as the criminal situation in our country. Prices for hotel rooms and other services used by tourists coming to us are too much high. Another problem for the tourism in Russia is slow appearance of new tourism products, few new routes, which foreigners can take. Most tourists are in Russia only once. And basically they have the easiest route, which is Moscow-Petersburg. Although there are many other cities in Russia, famous for their architecture and their history. For example, Novgorod the Great and its old Kremlin, churches, and birch bark. We can offer not only cultural, but also an active form of recreation. This is hunting, farming, fishing, cycling, hiking, boating, skiing, caving, etc.

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Future of russian tourism