Free coffee, hot news: linkedin truck hits city streets [pics]

Extra. Extra. Read all about it: LinkedIn is offering free coffee and hot news. That’s the promise of the LinkedIn Today coffee truck, a trendy food truck-inspired, mobile coffee-dispensing vehicle riding around the streets of New York and San Francisco.

The bicoastal trucks hit the pavement Monday morning as part of LinkedIn’s social-media-meets-the-street marketing campaign to promote LinkedIn Today, the 100 million member site’s personalized social news product.

The trucks will be dolling out free, locally-brewed coffee – the hot news you have to grab via LinkedIn Today, though brand ambassadors and employee volunteers will deliver street demos to consumers – between 7 a. m. and 4 p. m local time in San Francisco and New York for the remainder of the week.

Should you wish to track down the truck, you could stay on the lookout for the blue and white print-themed trucks. You can also follow the LinkedIn Today Twitter account or #LinkedInTruck_SF and #LinkedInTruck_NY hashtags.

The trucks’ schedules are fairly flexible, LinkedIn’s Mario Sundar tells us, so a tweet or two could cajole the powers that be into changing course to your neck of the woods. On Wednesday, however, Mashable has learned that the truck will be affixed outside LinkedIn’s offices in both Mountain View and New York (outside the Empire State building) following the company’s all-hands meeting.

The week-long promotion is a bid to drum up enthusiasm around its new aggregated content vertical. At the very least, the free coffee will be a welcome pick-me-up for the New York and San Francisco denizens who stop by the trucks.

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Free coffee, hot news: linkedin truck hits city streets [pics]