Flying days 1-7

Day 1
After you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. This is how I get to hug you each day! That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself.

Our FlyLady system is all about establishing little habits that string together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot. You can do this!

Now that you have completed that very important first step, here is a list of the rest of the Beginner BabySteps. Do not jump ahead and try to get them all done at once, simply go to the next step each day and complete it. You can do this!!

Day 2

Today I want you get up and get dressed to lace up shoes when you first get up in the morning. This means fix your hair and face too.

In order for us to change ourselves we need to remind ourselves of what we are doing. I did this with yellow sticky notes throughout my home to guide me through my day. This was the beginning of my home control journal. I had little notes on my bathroom mirror to remind me to get dressed to shoes.

Shine your sink before you go to bed.

Day 3

Today you are doing what we have already done.
-Getting up and dressing to lace up shoes
-Keeping your sink shining

Now is the time to start exploring Big Tent. Be sure and read the NEWS. This is where you will find the Daily Flight Plan, the essays and the testimonials.

Day 4

So far we are;

– Getting Dressed to lace up shoes
– Keeping our sink shining
– Going to Big Tent and reading messages

Your next thing is to write these things down on a sticky note and post them on your bathroom mirror and above your kitchen sink. This is the beginning of your Control Journal. The little notes help us to remember the habits we are trying to establish.

Day 5

Getting Dressed to lace up shoes
– Keeping our sink shining
– Going to Big Tent and reading messages
– Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom

Are you hearing any of those nagging negative voices popping into your head? I want you to take a piece of paper and write down what you hear then I want you to turn those ugly words around and say something nice to yourself to negate the ugly words that they said.

Day 6

– Getting Dressed to lace up shoes
– Keeping our sink shining
– Going to Big Tent and reading messages
– Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom
– Recognizing the negative voices when you hear them and changing the words to be nice to you. That is what FLYing (Finally Loving Yourself) is all about.

Today we are going to learn about Hot Spots. We all have them. Here is a link on our website to read the definition of a Hot Spot.

Now I want you to set your timer for 2 minutes and lets practice putting out your Hot Spot. You don’t have to work till you have finished; just do what you can in 2 minutes. Put your bills in one place. This will keep you from having to search for them.
Day 7

– Getting Dressed to lace up shoes
– Keeping our sink shining
– Going to Big Tent and reading messages
– Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom
– Recognizing the negative voices; change them and FLY!
– Put out your Hot Spot for 2 minutes; just pick one.

Today we are going to add a new habit to our before bed routine. Tonight before you hop in bed; I want you to pick out what clothes you are going to wear tomorrow.

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Flying days 1-7