Famous bermudians

Johnny Barnes

Arguably the most famous face on our island, Mr. Barnes stands for five hours every morning at the Crow Lane roundabout waving to commuters as they drive into the City of Hamilton. Recently, a life-size bronze statue was erected in honour of the man also known as Mr. Feelgood and Happy Man. His portrait adorns Hamilton’s Visitor Service Bureau, and even Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has honoured him.
Michael Douglas

Oscar®-winning actor, producer and co-owner of the Ariel Sands Hotel, Michael Douglas has been an island visitor since age four. He is hooked on golf, adores fish chowder, and likes nothing better than to simply lay low with his relatives – the centuries-old Dill family. His wife, award-winning actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, also visits our island regularly, along with their children.
Dale Butler

A founding member of the Bermuda Poetry Association, the ardent nationalist has been the principal of Northlands Primary School since 1996. Mr. Butler is also the editor-in-chief of the Writers’ Machine, a small print shop dedicated to publishing books by local authors. His hobbies include golf, sailing, tennis, squash, cooking and researching our history and culture.
Eugene “Gene” Steede

One of our most polished and consistently employed entertainers, his career takes him to all our Island’s major hotels as well as throughout the United States, the Caribbean and to countries as far away as Australia. He sings his way into the hearts of schoolchildren, the elderly and many others by performing free of charge at events aiding their causes.

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Famous bermudians