Examples of real vampire sightings

The following stories are examples of contemporary real vampire sightings that have taken place at least within the last few decades. In many cases, phantom figures are spotted moving through the dark and no one is injured, but in other cases people are actually attacked and injured by the creature. While some people assume that the attacker is nothing more than a delusional, mentally ill person, other members of the community are often not quite so certain.
A Vampire in England
In 2007 in Hockerill, England, a 43-year-old man was putting out his trash late at night, and was suddenly attacked from behind by someone who tried to wrap his teeth around his neck and bite. The man wrestled with the attacker as the attacker snarled like an animal. The attacker ran away after a few minutes, and the man immediately called the police. The incident marked only one of several that affected this small community for several months on the normally quiet street known as Sandle Road. When this attack took place, the residents told reporters that one woman and several other men had also recently been attacked by the fiend who residents nicknamed “Dracula”.
These sort of temporary surges in attacks in small communities and the confusion they cause is somewhat common. Most often, both local skeptics and the media downplay those attacks as the work of a deranged, mentally ill person “pretending” to be a vampire. Unfortunately, the people who live within those communities, and especially those who get attacked, are never so sure. These incidents often fuel public curiosity and interest in whether or not vampires really could exist today.

Archaeological Remains of a Vampire
In 2006, archaeologists in Italy had a unique vampire sighting of their own; they discovered the very real remains of a female vampire with a brick forced into her jaw. Italian forensic archaeologist Matteo Borrini reported the find to National Geographic and other

news outlets when the discovery took place. Researchers were investigating a 1576 mass grave of medieval plague victims of the Venetian plague at the time of the discovery.

Communities throughout Europe in the Middle Ages who were suffering from the plague would often bury and then unbury bodies in order to bury more plague victims. Occasionally, the people unburying bodies would discover a dark blood-like substance under the nose and mouths of the dead, and jagged tears in the cloth near their mouths. The history of vampires includes the fact that belief in vampires was prevalent during this time, so the people who found this believed that these vampires were waking up and eating their burial shrouds – and by doing so they were magically spreading the disease further. To prevent this, they would shove either bricks or rocks into the mouths of these corpses in the hope that doing so would stop the spread of the plague. This body, and the skull in particular, was the first case where an alleged vampire’s actual body was unearthed in connection to the plague research. It provides supporting evidence for modern historical records that tell about the “vampires” of the Middle Ages.

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The Vampire of Highgate Cemetery

In 1839, Highgate Cemetery was constructed in London, England, and was originally considered a burial place for the elite.

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Examples of real vampire sightings