Eu coaching project hermes part 1.2.-1.5

2. Objective of this report
The aim of this final report is to create a coherent package from a range of sources on the subject of сoaching and active-learning methods in the context of learner/novice driver training. It provides the largest background knowledge for those who want to conduct coaching seminars for driving instructors.
Additionally, all evaluation results of the HERMES coaching seminar (feedback analysis and audits) are outlined in this report.
3. Defining coaching within the HERMES project HERMES-Definition of Coaching in driver training:
Coaching is a learner-centred method that engages body, mind and emotions to develop inner and outer awareness and responsibility with an equal relationship between the learner and coach. Defining coaching has been a challenge for the project consortium because, inevitably, each member of the team has brought his own interpretation of coaching to the table. Clearly, it is important to agree on a сommon definition as a means to maintain progress in the project. The definition that has been agreed
Upon reflects how coaching should be seen in the context of driver training.
HERMES will thus focus on developing:
– Methods which activate the learner driver and make him more aware of himself, the car, and the interaction between himself and others in a (social) traffic environment.
– Methods which accept the learner driver as being responsible for himself, his own learning and his behaviour in traffic (and which help him maintain this sense of responsibility in complex situations).
– Methods where the teacher/coach and learner form a partnership in which the coach, through observation, questioning and feedback, encourages the learner to be himself, identify goals, reflect on his experience and develop strategies to meet his driving goals in the future3.
4. Rationale of coaching (in a learner/novice driver context) Coaching is designed to develop

the awareness and responsibility of the person being coached. These are all vital components in encouraging safe driving.
Driving is a self-paced task which involves constant decision-making and a continual need to make choices. To make the right choices in traffic, a novice driver requires:
– Self-awareness, e. g. how one’s mood or emotions can affect one’s driving
– Awareness of inner and outer factors, such as the actions of other road users
– A sense of responsibility and of the consequences of his behaviour and the confidence to act accordingly
– Self-confidence, or perhaps more appropriately ‘self-acceptance’ in the case of novice drivers, to prevent bravado or any feeling of inadequacy leading to risky driving behaviour
5. Principles of coaching
A number of principles have been identified to provide insight into the role of the coach and the process involved. These principles are listed below, and then explained in some detail.
1. The coaching relationship is an equal relationship: the trainer is no longer ‘the expert’ in the hierarchical sense.
2. Coaching puts the learner in an active role.
3. Coaching encourages the learner to identify his/her goals and to meet these goals.
4. Coaching raises the awareness, responsibility and self-acceptance of the learner
5. Coaching raises awareness not only through rational thought but also through the learner’s senses and emotions. It raises awareness of the learners’ values, goals, motives and attitudes as well as his sensations and emotions, knowledge, skills and habits.
6. Coaching addresses the learner’s internal obstacles to change

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Eu coaching project hermes part 1.2.-1.5