Etest antimicrobial resistance testing

Etest: bringing on-scale MIC testing to all microbiology laboratories

Etest is a well-established method for Antimicrobial Resistance Testing in microbiology laboratories around the world.

Etest comprises a predefined gradient of antibiotic concentrations on a plastic strip. It is used to determine the on-scale Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of antibiotics, antifungal agents and antimycobacterial agents.

Quantitative MIC data is now a prerequisite for the management of critical infections, including sepsis, especially among critical care patients. Etest is particularly valuable in such situations, when on-scale MICs are needed for treatment decisions.

Etest is recognised as a cost-effective tool for generating MICs across 15 dilutions. It can also be used in a macromethod format to optimise resistance detection. Over 100 antibiotics are now available in the product range for testing of aerobic bacteria and fastidious organisms such as pneumococci, haemophilus, H. pylori, meningococci, gonococci, anaerobes, fungi and mycobacteria.

Etest: promoting antibiotic stewardship

Etest promotes the rational use of antibiotics by providing results to guide the therapy of individual patients and to validate empiric drug regimens on a unit specific basis.

It is particularly helpful in determining choice and dosage of antimicrobials in patients with sterile site infections (e. g. endocarditis), severe nosocomial infections, chronic infections (e. g. cystic fibrosis) and immunosuppressed patients.

Etest is also widely used in resistance surveillance programs and clinical trials.

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Etest antimicrobial resistance testing