Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 9 – relaxing, the mail, and the trash


To chill out – to relax
* He chills out by listening to his favorite jazz CD and drinking a glass of wine.

National news – information about what happened in the country that day,
Usually found in a newspaper or on a TV news broadcast
* Did you know that the flooding in this area was on the national news last night?
It must be more serious than I thought.

Newscast – a news program on television or radio
* I heard in yesterday’s newscast that price of beef will probably go up in the next
Few months.

To sort through – to put objects in order; to look for one object in a group of
* The team thought of many great ideas during the meeting. Now they need to
Sort though them and select the best ones.

Junk mail – unwanted mail that will be thrown away usually without being read
* I never give my address to companies but I still get a lot of junk mail.

Bill – an invoice; a piece of paper that states how much money one needs to pay
For something (such as a credit card, electricity, gas, or phone)
* When I saw the phone bill for this month, I knew that there was a mistake. I
Never called Peru!

Flyer – a piece of paper that advertises an event or product
* The soccer club put fliers all over the school to let people know when its next
Meeting would be.

Stoop – porch and stairs; the area in front of a home’s front door, with steps
Down to the sidewalk
* During the summer, their house gets really hot so they usually sit on the front
Stoop and drink lemonade in the evenings.

Package – a box that contains a gift or something that one purchased
* His grandparents always send him Christmas packages that are full of cookies
And gifts.

Reality show – a television show with real people (not

actors) in their daily life or
In a special situation that is part of the show
* MTV’s “Real World” put strangers in a house to live together for several months
And was one of the most popular early reality shows in the United States.

Commercial – an advertisement on television or radio
* Although it was only a two-hour movie, it was on TV for three hours because
There were so many commercials.

To thumb through – to quickly turn the pages of a book, magazine, or
* As I was thumbing through the magazine, I was surprised to see an article
Written by my cousin.

Novel – a book with an imaginary story, such as a romance or a mystery
* He loves reading novels, but his wife only reads biographies.

Trash day – a regular day of the week when trucks come to collect garbage from
Houses on a street
* I’m glad tomorrow is trash day since we have so much trash from moving over
The weekend.

Garbage – trash; waste; items that one doesn’t want and should be taken away
* After the party, her parents were shocked to see how much garbage people
Had left on the floor.

Recycling – treating used items so that they can be used again
* Does this city have good plastic and glass recycling programs?

Trash container – a tall, plastic container for storing garbage, often on wheels
* Last night some dogs opened the trash containers and now there is garbage all
Over the street.

Garbage trucks – trucks that come to collect garbage from houses
* I don’t like driving behind garbage trucks because they are very slow and they
Smell bad.

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Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 9 – relaxing, the mail, and the trash