Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 6 – at my desk, on break, and at lunch


Agenda – schedule; calendar used to write down important dates or events
* Let me check my agenda to see if I have an afternoon free next week.

Memo – a short document used in business to give information, usually within a
Company or organization
* She needs to write a memo to all the employees about the new vacation policy.

Inbox – a container on one’s desk or a place in an email program filled with
Messages or documents that needs to be read and responded to
* Don’t you ever read the papers in your inbox? I put all the information you
Requested there last week.

To start in – to begin work on something; to begin to sort through something
* If you’ll start in on making the salad, I’ll get the chicken ready for baking.

Project manager – a person responsible for a project
* Daniel isn’t a good project manager because he doesn’t understand how to
Follow a budget.

Conference call – a phone call with more than two people
* In a conference call, it is sometimes difficult to know who is speaking. That’s
Why people should always say there names before making comments.

Head office – the main office building in a company that has offices in more than
One location
* Jacob is happy about his promotion to the head office but his family doesn’t
Want to move to Los Angeles.

To head down – to walk downstairs; to walk along a hallway
* Let’s head down to the basement and find out why the water heater isn’t

Break room – a room where workers can relax, eat, and talk during their breaks
From work
* In her company, the break room has free coffee and cookies all day.

Water cooler – a machine that stores drinking water and has two openings: one
For cold

water and one for hot water
* The water cooler is empty but the water containers are too heavy for me to lift.
Can anyone help me?

On break – taking a short, relaxing pause (usually 5-15 minutes) during the
* I often take a short walk when I’m on break. The fresh air helps me think more
Clearly once I’m back in the office.

Vending machine – a machine that accepts coins and dollar bills and gives out
Food, such as candy, cookies, chips, sandwiches, sodas, juices, and coffee
* This vending machine is full of cookies and chips. I wish there were some
Healthier foods in it.

Bulletin board – a place on a wall where people can hang notices and
* When she lost her dog, she put announcements on all the local bulletin boards
Asking people to call her if they found her dog.

To pack a lunch – to bring food from home to eat at the office or at school during
The lunch break
* Ruth always packs the same lunch for herself: a turkey sandwich, an apple, and
Orange juice.

Take-out – food that is bought at a restaurant but eaten at another place
* This restaurant has the best food in town, but it’s too noisy to eat here. Let’s
Order take-out.

Lunch hour – an hour during the day when an employee eats lunch, often 12:00-
1:00 p. m.
* I would like to eat during my lunch hour, but I often use the time to run errands
Like going to the bank and getting my hair cut.

Casual Fridays – days when office workers are allowed to wear less formal
* On casual Fridays, the bank lets its employees wear jeans and t-shirts, but
Shorts are never allowed.

To kick back – to relax
* After a busy week, all I feel like this doing is kicking back with a good movie.

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Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 6 – at my desk, on break, and at lunch