Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 2 – cleaning up


Sink – a kitchen or bathroom container that is attached to the floor and wall,
Holds water, and is used for washing dishes or brushing teeth
* When Lily came home, she was disappointed to see that the sink was full of
Dirty dishes.

Medicine cabinet – a small, flat cabinet on a bathroom wall that is used to store
Medicines, toothbrushes, lotions, and other things, and has a mirror on front
* If you have a headache, take an aspirin. There’re in the medicine cabinet.

Toilet – a large bowl and pipe attached to the floor and wall in a bathroom, used
To collect body waste
* Cleaning the toilet is my least favorite household chore.

Tub (also bathtub) – a large, long container that you fill with water and then sit in
To take a bath
* Marsha relaxes by filling her tub with hot water and taking a bath while listening
To classical music.

Mouthwash – a liquid that cleans one’s mouth and makes breath smell better
* After eating foods with strong flavors like garlic and onion, you should use
Mouthwash because it covers the smell.

To swish (something) around – to quickly move a liquid around the inside of
One’s mouth without drinking it
* The dentist said that I should swish mouthwash around for at least 30 seconds
Every morning.

To gargle – to move a liquid into the back of one’s throat without drinking it.
* Harry believes that the best cure for a sore throat is to gargle warm water with
Lemon juice and salt.

To spit – to push food or liquid out of one’s mouth
* When Jack was six years old, he had trouble taking medicine. He didn’t like the
Taste and would spit it out.

Floss – a thread that is moved between teeth to clean them
* A toothbrush cleans the front and back of your teeth,

but only dental floss can
Clean between teeth.

Shower curtain – a large piece of plastic or cloth that hangs from the ceiling to
The floor in front of a bathtub or shower to keep water from entering the rest of
The room
* This morning Uncle Kenny forgot to close the shower curtain, so there was
Water all over the floor.

To lather up – to cover oneself with soap or one’s hair with shampoo
* We ran out of hot water immediately after I lathered up, so I had to wash off the
Soap in cold water!

Shampoo – liquid soap made for cleaning hair
* People with long hair use more shampoo than people with short hair do.

To rinse off – to use water to remove soap from something
* Kelly’s son cried when she rinsed him off because she accidentally got soap in
His eyes.

To shave – to remove hair from the body by using a razor that cuts the hair near
The skin
* In the United States, many women shave their legs to make them look

Electric razor – an electronic device for shaving
* When I was a child, I always woke up to the sound of my father using an
Electric razor to shave his face.

Hand razor – a plastic or metal tool for shaving, held in one’s hand
* When he started shaving, he often has cuts on his chin because he didn’t know
How to use a hand razor.

Shaving cream – a cream, foam, or lotion that is put on the skin before shaving
* If I shave without shaving cream, my skin becomes red and itchy.

Disposable blades – the flat, sharp piece of metal in a hand razor that cuts the
Hair and can be thrown out and replaced
* Disposable blades are more expensive than traditional blades but they never
Need to be re-sharpened.

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Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 2 – cleaning up