Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 10 – getting ready for bed and going to sleep


Bedtime story – a story that adults read to children before they go to sleep at
* Can you read me one more bedtime story before I have to go sleep?

Ritual – something that is done repeatedly and in the same way every time
* His morning ritual includes drinking a cup of coffee, eating a banana, and taking
The dog for a walk.

Tap – faucet; the metal thing that water flows through into a sink
* Please turn off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth. It’s wrong to waste

Towel – a soft piece of fabric that absorbs water and helps someone or
Something become dry
* Yuki always uses two towels when she showers: one for her body, and one for
Her hair.

Beat – very tired; exhausted
* After working on the report for 14 hours, I was beat and I wanted to go to sleep.

Undressed – without clothes; not wearing clothes; naked
* You should always close the bedroom curtains before you get undressed.

Hamper – a container for dirty clothes
* Make sure you do the laundry when the hamper is full.

Pajamas – clothes worn while sleeping
* My cotton pajamas are the most comfortable clothes that I own. I love sleeping
In them.

Slippers – soft, warm shoes that are worn only inside the house
* She often puts her slippers in front of the fireplace to warm them before she
Puts them on her feet.

To pull back – to fold back; to move back
* When she heard the doorbell, she quietly pulled back the curtains to see who
Was at the front door.

Covers – the layers of fabric that cover a bed
* Our cat likes to sleep in our bed under the covers, but we don’t allow her to do

To fluff – to make something larger and softer by hitting or brushing it
* I can’t sleep

on a hard pillow so I always fluff my pillows at night.

Overhead – on the ceiling; over one’s head
* Overhead lights are good in living rooms and dining rooms, but in bedrooms I
Prefer a small table lamp so that I can read before falling asleep.

To lay down – to put something or oneself in a horizontal (sideways) position
* I laid down the book I had been reading and turned out the lights.

To fall asleep – to begin to sleep
* Drinking a glass of warm milk often helps Jacomo fall asleep at night.

To count sheep – to imagine sheep jumping over a fence and to count them as a
Way of falling asleep
* Do you ever try counting sheep when you have trouble falling asleep?

To nod off – to start to sleep, often without intending or wanting to
* He was so tired that he was nodding off during the meeting. His boss was not

Fast asleep – sleeping soundly; sleeping very well; sleeping and unaware of
Other things happening
* The little boy was fast asleep when they got home and he didn’t wake up as his
Father carried him to bed.

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Eslpod – a day in the life of jeff – episode 10 – getting ready for bed and going to sleep