Esl podcast 710 – doubting one’s language use these materials

To come up with – to think of; to have an idea about or for something
* How did you come up with such a creative marketing campaign?
To give it a shot – to try to do something, especially when one doesn’t think one
Will be successful, usually because it is too difficult
* I’m not very good at fixing cars, but I’ll give it a shot.
Suitable – appropriate; acceptable; okay to use, have, or do in a particular
* Shorts and a t-shirt aren’t suitable for a wedding.
Word choice – the selection of a particular word when there are several other
That have similar meanings
* Su asked the teacher to talk about selecting the correct word choice for this
Sentence among the words “angry,” “furious,” “mad,” and “upset.”
Tricky – difficult; challenging, with a high probability of making a mistake
* Some of the math questions on that test were really tricky.
Appropriate – suitable; acceptable; okay to use, have, or do in a particular
* Racist and sexist jokes are never appropriate in the workplace.
Connotation – the additional meanings related to the core or main meaning of a
Word; the ideas that a particular word makes someone think of
* The words “stubborn” and “strong-willed” have the same meaning, but
“stubborn” has a more negative connotation.
To sound right – for a phrase to seem to be accurate or grammatically correct
Based only on how one reacts when hearing it, without understanding the
Underlying rules
* It just doesn’t sound right, but I can’t explain why and I don’t know how to fix it.
Usage – the way a word or phrase is used grammatically
* Kim wrote her report on how the usage of slang changes over time.

/> To doubt – to be unsure whether something is true or correct; to believe that
Something is possibly false or incorrect, but not know with certainty
* This résumé seems too good to be true. I doubt the candidate really has an
Olympic gold medal, a Nobel Peace Prize, and a Purple Heart.

Form – one of many possible conjugations and tenses of a verb
* Which form of the verb is correct here: “I will have eaten” or “I would have
Rusty – unpracticed; describing a skill that is not as strong as it once was,
Because one has not used it in a long time
* Paulo hasn’t taken a math class since high school, so his algebra skills are
Really rusty.
To look (something) up – to search for a word or concept in a reference book
Like a dictionary, thesaurus, or encyclopedia to learn more about it
* As a pharmacist, Busaraporn often looks medicines up in special books to learn
More about them.
Awkward – uncomfortable; difficult to do, use, or observe; inconvenient;
* Most teenagers are awkward while their bodies are changing during puberty.
Native speaker – a person who is raised in an environment where a particular
Language is used and therefore learns to speak it perfectly
* Make sure a native speaker reviews the translation before you publish it.
Production – something that requires a lot of work and/or the involvement of
Many people because it is complex
* Once you have kids, packing for a weekend trip becomes a production. There
Are so many things you have to bring!
(one’s) troubles will be over – a phrase used to talk about some unspecified
Time in the future when the problems one is currently facing will no longer exist
* Stephen doesn’t have enough money for food right now, but he dreams that

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