Esl podcast 708 – trademarks and logos

Logo – an image used to identify a company or organization
* Don’t forget to put the company’s logo at the top of the press release.
To design – to create the image, form, shape, or style of something
* Who designed her wedding dress?
Competitor – a company that sells products or services that are similar to those
Sold by one’s own company, so that both companies are trying to reach the same
* Whenever our company comes up with a new idea, our competitors copy it as
Quickly as they can.
Identical – the same as something else; with no differences
* Those identical twins are so much alike that even their own relatives can’t tell
Them apart!
Shade – a slight difference in the color of something
* Which shade of blue is your new shirt, light blue or bright blue?
Graphic – an image, especially one that was created by computers, usually
Without any text
* People would be more likely to buy from our website if we had better graphics.
Nothing alike – completely different; not similar in any way
* Lynette and Michel have the same parents, but you’d never guess it, because
They are nothing alike.
Side by side – with two things placed next to each other so that one can
Compare and contrast them directly
* Before deciding which stock to invest in, we compared their past financial
Performance side by side.
Trademark infringement – a violation of the laws against using another
Company’s logo, brand name, or design for one’s own company or other use
* When our competitor began using our logo and name, changing only one letter,
We sued the company for trademark infringement.

To associate – to connect two things; to believe that two things are related or

to each other in some way
* Do you believe higher crime rates are associated with drug and alcohol abuse?
Brand – a particular name and design for a particular product
* Which brand of razors do you use to shave your face?
Exclusive rights – the legal ability to do something and not let anyone else do it;
The ability to do something that nobody else is allowed to do
* When Hermione wrote her first book, the publishing company asked her to give
Them exclusive rights to publish any of her future novels.
Trademark registry – an official list of all the protected trademarks (words,
Phrases, images, logos, etc.) and the organization that enforces protection of the
Items on that list
* If you want to protect your company’s new logo, fill out this application and
Submit it to the trademark registry.
To nail (someone) – to get someone in trouble and punish him or her for having
Done something wrong
* If the professor sees us cheating on the exam, he’ll nail us.
To go back to the drawing board – to begin something again; to give up on
What one had been working on or had recently completed and start over again,
Usually because the first version wasn’t good or appropriate
* An ad agency might spend months developing a campaign, but if the client
Doesn’t like it, they have to go back to the drawing board.
Literally – referring to the actual, direct meaning of the words, not the symbolic
Meaning of those words
* He said he’d give anything to have that job, but of course he didn’t mean it
1. Why doesn’t Vien like the logo Bianca designed?
A) Because it’s too similar to other logos.
B) Because it’s the wrong color.
C) Because it’s too unusual.

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Esl podcast 708 – trademarks and logos