Esl podcast 706 – feeling ill from food while traveling

Sick as a dog – very sick; very ill; with many physical symptoms of not being
Healthy or well
* After eating an entire bag of cookies, Hank felt sick as a dog.
It serves you right – a phrase used when one feels another person deserves
The negative consequences of his or her actions; a phrase used to show that one
Has no sympathy for the bad things another person is experiencing, because one
Believes they are the result of his or her own actions
* It serves you right that you lost your job. You shouldn’t have stolen money from
Your employer.
To warn – to tell someone about the negative consequences that may happen if
Things do not change; to alert someone to a danger or problem that may or will
* The instruction manual warned us not to turn on the coffeemaker before
Reading all the instructions.
Food vendor – a person or small business that sells food, usually in a small,
Wheeled cart or truck on the street or sidewalk
* Some of the best hot dogs in New York City are sold by food vendors, not in
Cleanliness – the state of being clean, sanitary, hygienic, and orderly; the state
Of not being dirty
* When we went into Abbe’s apartment, we saw rats in the kitchen and
Cockroaches in the bathroom. It was clear that cleanliness is not very important
To her.
Stand – a booth where things are sold, especially when the building is temporary
(not permanent) and can be moved easily
* When they go to the carnival, the first thing they did was to look for the food
Stands selling cotton candy.
To turn up (one’s) nose up at – to act as if one is better than or superior to
Something and does not want or need it; to think something is not good enough
For oneself
* If you were really hungry,

you wouldn’t turn up your nose at the food your
Parents serve. Instead, you’d eat whatever was available. 2entic – real; true; something that actually exists
* Is that an authentic Gucci purse?
Stomach of steel – a phrase referring to one’s ability to eat almost anything
Without getting sick, regardless of how unhealthy, unclean, or unusual it is
* You must have a stomach of steel to be able to eat fried chicken, creamy pasta,
And spicy beef in a single meal!
To guard against – to protect oneself from something; to take precautions
Against something or to prevent something from happening
* The doctor said that the best way to guard against infection is to wash our
Hands after using the bathroom and before eating.
Undercooked – not cooked enough; not cooked thoroughly; cooked, but without
Having reached a safe temperature at which all the bacteria are killed
* If the pork is pink, it’s probably undercooked and we shouldn’t eat it.
Contaminated – not clean or pure; with some harmful or dangerous substance
Mixed in
* That water is contaminated! We shouldn’t drink it without boiling it first.
To work itself out of (one’s) system – for a virus or bacterial infection to stop
Affecting one’s body and stop making one ill; for one’s body to get rid of an illness
Or infection
* The doctor said I should stay in bed for a few days until the flu works itself out
Of my system.
Some – a word used to emphasize that something is not what it should be, or
That it is the opposite of what it should be
* Some wedding! The groom never showed up and the bride just cried and cried.
To puke (one’s) guts out – to vomit, throw up, or regurgitate a lot

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Esl podcast 706 – feeling ill from food while traveling