Environmental problems – Проблемы окружающей среды

All the nations have the same basic environmental problems. In fact the problem of environment crisis has assumed a global proportions. That is why many ecological problems can generally be solved only at the world community level. As nations we all share a single ecological space. Acid rains, for example, have no boundaries. Nuclear radiation does not respect administrative or national regions. All the nations must assume a position as responsible members of the world community level, cooperating in matters of environmental protection. It’s important that we all work together to share, to overcome ecological disasters. Both scientists and politicians agree that if some radical steps are not taken, life on our planet may be damaged if not destroyed altogether, because the number of air pollutants is constantly growing. Ecological disasters do not happen by chance. Ignorance, lack of planning, greed and criminal neglect have been responsible for creating ecological distress zones throughout the world. Radioactive materials present health and safety problems in an increasing number of countries. Underground nuclear-weapon tests are a major threat to the environment. Steps must be taken to do away with nuclear tests. The acid falls to earth in form of rain or snow that can damage anything from the monuments to living organisms. The increase in traffic is threatening another serious air pollution in our cities, because vehicles, not factories, produce most of toxic micro-particles, which do most harm. Toxic gases appear in the atmosphere in critical concentration of carbon dioxide is expected to increase at rates that could change the world’s climate. The commonest air pollution comes from the cigarette smoke, which pollutes public places. Water pollution is another important problem. In several years tourists will find fewer beaches where it’s safe to swim. Urgent measures must be taken if we don’t want to leave a dangerous planet to future generations.

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Environmental problems – Проблемы окружающей среды