Entry requirements(imagine cup)

Entry Requirements
Round 1 – Local Country/Region Competition Phase (including Online Finals if applicable) – Competition Requirements:

The Software Design competition is structured differently based on the country/region you are representing. Please make sure to read your local country/region competition details (if applicable) to better understand how to compete in this competition.

Please review your local country/region Competition Rules for a list of materials your Team is required to submit in addition to those requirements listed above.

During Round 1, your Team’s entry materials must meet the content and technical requirements described below:

1. Required Elements

Your Team’s entry must include all of the following required elements:

Your Team’s entry must address a social cause connected to the 2011 Theme: “Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems”.
All elements of your Team’s entry must be in the English language. If a translator is needed, your Team is responsible for managing all related arrangements.
Your Team’s application must run on the Microsoft. NET Framework. You may use any version of. NET.
Your Team’s application must be developed using at least one (1) of the products within the Visual Studio family (Express, Standard, Professional, or Team System) for development.
Your Team’s software application must be fully functional and implemented. Ideas for a software application or software applications that are not fully developed are not eligible.
A video presentation that introduces and demonstrates your software application which incorporates all of the required elements described above, and at least one optional element, as described below. Teams should adhere to the following video guidelines:
The video should include a narrated PowerPoint presentation as a screen cast (utilizing

software such as Camtasia Studio screen recorder and editor for Windows)
The video content should clearly address each of the judging criteria outlined below
All audio and text in the video should be in the English language
The video should be submitted as a. wmv. We recommend creating your screen capture using Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 Screen Capture which is available to students for free at Dreamspark.
The video should include the Imagine Cup 2011 intro and outro
The video should not exceed fifteen (15) minutes, including intro and outro.
The emphasis of the video should be on the software application itself. Video production quality will not be scored in the judging process.
2. Optional Elements

Your Team’s entry must utilize features of at least one (1) of the optional elements:

Either an implementation or the consumption of an XML Web Service
Windows 7
Windows Live SDK
Use of Windows Phone 7 technologies
Azure for implementing a S+S architecture application
Windows MultiPoint Mouse SDK

Online Finals Qualifying Criteria

If your local rules indicate that your Team’s entry is subject to the Online Finals Qualifying round, your Team’s entry must include all required elements and at least one (1) optional element as outlined above. Instead of a presentation at a local country/region competition, your Team’s video presentation will be evaluated by a panel of qualified international judges based on the judging criteria below. The top two (2) or more teams will be selected from the pool of all countries/regions participating in the Online Finals Qualifying round to advance to the Worldwide Finals in the USA.

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Entry requirements(imagine cup)