English cafe – 304

American Presidents: Bill Clinton; Louisiana Voodoo; articulation versus
Enunciation versus pronunciation; to start versus commence; I believe you
Versus I believe in you
Governor – the political leader of a state; the highest-level political job in state
* The Governor of Idaho is visiting other states to promote tourism to her state.
Fiscal responsibility – the idea that a person, business, or government should
Not spend more money than it has received
* Until she shows more fiscal responsibility, Hamid is taking away his daughter’s
Credit card.
To mar – to become less beautiful or attractive; to spoil; to cause something to
Appear less perfect
* The smooth surface of this table is marred by a cigarette burn.
Affair – a sexual relationship between two people when at least one of those
People is married to someone else
* Why do so many powerful men have affairs with their secretaries and
To impeach – to accuse an elected government official of a crime and to try to
Punish that person by taking away his or her job
* Our group wants to impeach the mayor for not following through on his promise
To fix the town’s bridge, and instead, spending money irresponsibly elsewhere.
To lie under oath – to not tell the truth when one has sworn or promised to tell
The truth, usually in court or in front of an official government committee
* A judge can put you in jail for lying under oath in his or her court.
Pardon – the act where the U. S. President allows criminals to go free without
Being (fully or completely) punished, even though the court found them guilty
* The political prisoner received a pardon when it became clear that he was put
In prison unfairly.


– a set of beliefs and actions involving magic that are part of a religion
* I don’t think losing your hair has anything to do with your wife using Voodoo on
To trace (something) back to – to be able to look back in time and determine
When and where something was created
* Our son’s athletic ability can be traced back to his grandmother, who was an
Olympic swimmer.
Charm – a small, magical object that can be used to provide protection or to hurt
Other people in some way
* Cherise carries a penny in her pocket as a good luck charm.
Favor – something that one asks other people to do for one to help oneself;
Something one does for another person to help him or her
* Can you do me a favor? Can you feed my cat for two days while I’m away?
Superstition – a belief in the power of the supernatural or things beyond
Scientific understanding, and that acting in some way will bring a desired result
* Many sports players have superstitions about things they need to have or to do
In order to perform at their best on the field or on a court.
Articulation – the act of speaking words or the sounds that make up words; the
Act of putting a thought into words, especially when it is difficult to do so
* The articulation of some sounds is difficult for very young children.
Enunciation – the act of speaking words or the sounds that make up words in a
Very clear way
* When you speak to a large crowd of people while using a microphone, it is
Important to have clear enunciation to be understood.
Pronunciation – the way that a word is said aloud; the making of the sounds
Associated with a word
* The word “sauce” has different pronunciations in different parts of the country.

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English cafe – 304