English cafe – 302

Famous Americans: Thomas Edison; Liberia; symposium versus workshop
Versus seminar; to account for; “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us
Never fear to negotiate.”
Inventor – a person who creates something that no one else has ever created
Before; a person who creates something that no one has ever thought of before
* Jelissa wants to become an inventor, building flying machines that use the sun
For energy.
Prodigious – producing an impressive or amazing number of things; making a
Lot of something that others value
* Johann Sebastian Bach was a prodigious composer of music.
Practical – suitable for use; effective for use
* Is it practical to only pack shorts and t-shirts when we’ll be dining in some of the
Best restaurants in Seoul?
Phonograph – a old machine used to play recorded sound, whether spoken
Words or music
* My grandmother had a phonograph that played music for her guests to dance
To at her house parties.
Patent – the right or legal permission to make and sell something while nobody
Else is allowed to do it for a certain period of time
* The reason this drug is so expensive is that the drug company still has a patent
On the medication.
Entrepreneur – a person who starts a business, often using a lot of his or her
Own money
* Archie is an entrepreneur who has started two tech businesses in three years.
Telegraph – a way to communicate from a distance by using signals that are
Printed onto a piece of paper as combinations of dots and dashes that could be
Read and converted into letters and words to send messages
* The telegraph allowed people to communicate faster across large distances
Than sending a letter.
Wizard – a man with magical

powers, often with a lot of wisdom or intelligence; a
Man who can do magic, often found in very old stories or children’s books
* The wizard changed the boy into a dragon so he could fight the monsters.
Perspiration – sweat; the water that appears on one’s skin when one is working
Very hard
* When Vijay is nervous, he can feel the perspiration on his upper lip.
To repatriate – to send someone back to his or her original country; to return
Someone to his or her own country
* People who enter this country illegally are usually repatriated.
To colonize – to go to a place and live there, usually to have political control or
Power over the land
* How many countries did the British colonize in the 1700s and 1800s?
Elite – a group in society considered to be the best, because it has the most
Power, money, or talent
* The governor is meeting with the city’s business elite, trying to convince them to
Hire more workers to help the poor economy.
Symposium – a meeting where people talk about a certain subject, especially if
One or several speakers present new information in front of an audience
* Each of the doctors at the symposium talked about his or her own research
Workshop – a meeting or series of classes about a certain subject, especially if
Only a few people take part and they all share work or information with each
Other; a place where people do creative or physical work
* At the safety workshop, we learned new ways to do our jobs so we’ll be less
Likely to get hurt.
Seminar – a meeting or series of classes about a certain subject, especially if the
People who take part are advanced students at a university
* Are you taking Professor Litton’s seminar on international relations in the

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English cafe – 302