Doctor who chat part 6

Name: Doctor Who Chat
Part: 6
Writer: Andrey Lysenkov – vkontakte. ru/id105176267
Warning: there is a couple mistakes
– – Chat restoring – –
– – Doctor online – –
D. We were atacked!
– – Lysenkov online – –
L. – by who?
D.-by the Daleks! they are strongest then i supposed
L. – ?what happend?
D. – well TARDIS get a energe puls but she has a protect from it because we are in save, but was broken chat device of rory and Amy
L.-o it’s not so good
– – Can’t find Amy – –
– – Can’t find Rory – –
– – Can’t find Song – –
L.-there is river
D. – i dunno… TARDIS try to find her
L.-what about Amy and Rory?
– – Chat is updated – –
– – Chat v3.0 with voice – –
– – Amy online – –
– – Rory online – –
D. – i’ve updated chat
D.-i mustn’t type in chat. i can just say it – and TARDIS will write it in chat.
D.-BUT on condition that *при условии что* i am in the TARDIS and chat is active
L.-o su non des ka
A. – wa &
L.-never mind
– – Song was found – –
– – Song online – –
D. – what happend?
D.-where are you now?
D.-TARDIS couldn’t find you for a long time*
S.-i just… was with you and Pandorica
L.-o now everything’re going to be very complicated
D.-well it’s mean we have done pandorica and astronaut?!!?
– – Private chat is activated between Doctor and Song – –
S. –

sorry, but after child-astronaut… in prison… when we kissed…
S.-it really was your first kiss?
– – Doctor offline – –
– – Private chat closed – –
– – Amy offline – –
– – Rory offline – –
L.-what are you talking about?
S.-it’s not your bissunes
– – Song offline – –
L.-i hate secrets
– – Lysenkov offline – –
– – Chat closed – –
– – Chat started – –
– – Lysenkov online – –
L.-Doctor, you told the Daleks atacked you?
– – Doctor online – –
D.-yeah, five battle ships
– – Amy online – –
D.-good morning
– – Rory online – –
– – Song online – –
R.-good morning
R.-is chat active?
D.-yes i want have a look – if something matter happend
A.-Doctor, you can’t lie
D. – Well… where will we go?
R.-maybe in China?
D.-sorry, Rory, but it’s Amy’s turn
R.-why always her turn?
A.-because i’m your wife
A.-and we’ll go to San Francisco
D.-ok, ready
– – Doctor offline – –
– – Amy offline – –
– – Rory offline – –
– – Song offline – –
– – Lysenkov offline – –
– – Chat cvlosed – –
– – Chat started – –
– – Lysenkov online – –
– – Amy lost – –
L.-wa? that’s happening?
– – Song online – –
S.-if last time she was lost because chat device was broken then what happend this time?
S.-If TARDIS has broken then chat will deactive
S.-but now if TARDIS see what amy doesn’t exist any more then TARDIS lost her
S.-it’s mean…
S-… Amy dead????
L.-NO, n-n-no… way!
– – Doctor online – –
– – Rory online – –
D.-Quite right, Song
L,-wa? … explain! what happend with Amelia Pond?
L.-Doctor, answer!!
R.-At first we’ll go to the fabrica
R.-there was a flesh – the almost programme materia
R.-Doctor says, Amy was replace by flesh a long time ago…
R.-… and what true Amy is predant
L.-is that linked with woman
D.-wich woman?

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Doctor who chat part 6