Doctor who chat part 3

Name: Doctor Who Chat
Part: 3
Autor: Andrey Lysenkov – vkontakte. ru/id105176267
Warning: there is a couple mistakes
– – Chat started – –
– – Doctor on – –
D. – I have cleaned chat becourse of 6…
– – Amy on – –
A. – What 6? like the 6th room in my hourse
D. – O, no, another 6
A. – Then what?
– – Doctor off – –
– – Amy off – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Chat started – –
– – Lysenkov on – –
– – Song on – –
– – Rory on – –
L. – Rory, where are you now?
R. – We are on Gloo planet of 61 centrury
– – Doctor on – –
L. – I think u are going to visit Russia of 10th centrury
R. – Yeah, but Doctor is flying it wrong…
L. – Ha-ha, he does that)
D. – At first, I am flying at SHE!! Amd not wrong, just this time I have a littele mistake…
– – Rory off – –
L. – Any way, get a fun)
A. – It’ not so easy, then everywhere a hungred flying monsters-beards
L. – Lucky u))
D. – Lucky, lucky, lucky
D. – Ok, we are coming to another place… better then this. For example, the Moon of the poonsh)
A. – Doctor, anywhere, but not here!
L. – The Moon of the Poonsh) joker…
– – Doctor off – –
– – Song off – –
L. – Well, right, good bay
– – Lysenkov off – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Chat started – –
– – Rory on –

– – Amy on – –
– – Doctor on – –
D. – We are on Jupiter of 23rd centrury: humanaty just has been starting to populate this planet of solar sistem. There is are cool
– – Lysenkov on – –
L. – Tell me more!!
A. – Just ordinary spaceship – look like the spaceship UK, wich we saw with Doctor… Actually will see)
D. – It look like that, because it’s 1st setter
A. – O, there is aliens!
L. – How are they look like?
A. – Well, there is thousand *тысяча* of them. They don’t look seem… they almost different
L. – Please, describe one to me
A. – I see the huge blue guy… and man with head of cat… o, he has wife! Since who the cats have wife??
L. – It must be intresting: traveling with the Doctor) Doctor, take me over!
D. – Maybe, i will)
L. – I know u. U never do that. I’ve got a go, bay
– – Lysenkov off – –
D. – Ok, ready to come out are we? have a walk on 1st station of Jupiter…
– – Amy off – –
– – Rory off – –
– – Doctor offf – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Chat started – –
– – Song on – –
– – Doctor on – –
D. – River, who are u?
S. – And u think i’ll just tell u?
D. – Yes
S. – No
D. – I’ll make u
– – Amy on – –
S. – Try
A. – Can u without flirt? Even not in chat
D. – O, Pond, i’m 9 hungred years alone in Space and Time, I need sometimes… a fun)
A. – O, Doctor, Doctor…
D. – Ok, then tell me, that are u two doing on Christmas?
A.- have a crashing
D. – before that
A. -?
D. – O, Pond! Don’t pretend – u was dress in policewoman, and rory was the roman!
– – Amy off – –
D. – Greate. River, hoq many kisses have we done? *чувствую, здесь полная бессмыслица получилась*
S. – Of course…
S. – Spoiler)))))
D. – But really…
– – Song off – –
D. – O, River!
– – Doctor off – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Log cleaned – –

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Doctor who chat part 3