Doctor who chat part 2

Name: Doctor Who Chat
Part: 2
Writer: Andrey Lysenkov – vkontakte. ru/id105176267
Warning: there is a couple mistakes

– – Chat started – –
– – Lysenkov on – –
L. – Hello, there is so many rubbish in last log, because i had refreashed it. Enjoy.
– – Doctor on – –
D. – Boring
– – Amy on – –
– – Rory on – –
L. – Why?
D. – I dunno…
– – Song on – –
A. – Hold on. If we talk with River, then how old she? I mean in wich place of her timeline
D. – Well, time is not straight line, it’s more like… banana… no, it’s not banana, forget the banana. Time is… wibly-wimey… stuff… Basicaly, I don’t know.
A. – O, thanks. Really useful)
D. – River have we done Jimm the fish?
S.- You remember Jimm the fish?
D. – I’m not, but you are)))
– – Lysenkov off – –
– – Amy off – –
S. – I hate u
D. – No, u don’t
S. – It’s time to sleep, bay
– – Song off – –
R. – A… Doctor, Why didn’t Amy tell me about baby?
D. – Wich baby?
R. – Amy think that she predant, but why didn’t she tell me?
D. – Well, u know… let me think…
– – Amy on – –
– – Doctor off – –
R. – Hey, Doctor…
A. – O, u are always so insecure.
R. – But i’m not just a nurse, i’m your husband
A. – U hear everything. Then i told to the Doctor
R. – That’s not a reason
A. – Let’s sleep. Tommorow we’ll

have a chat, but not here. Everyone can hear us.
– – Amy off – –
R. – Ok…
– – Rory off – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Lysenkov on – –
– – Doctor on – –
D. – Why an i so boring?
L. – Maybe, because u forget something.
– – Amy on – –
A. – Of course, he forget! HE FORGET US!!!!
– – Rory on – –
D. – Ooops…
A. – What oops?! Bring me out here!
R. – Bring us…
D. – Wa? I think you love to have a visit in 5th star baltazar zoo – the second biggest zoo ever
R. – Yeah, but actually a lot of animals escape…
D. – U-hu-hu… I’m coming
– – Doctor off – –
L. – Ha-ha-a, funny. I’m glad to be not there)
– – Amy off – –
– – Rory off – –
– – Song on –
S. – He does that
L. – River, can u tell me something about the Doctor?
S. – Well, Doctor is the Doctor)
L. – Maybe something else?
S. – Hm-m-m… spoilers)
– – Amy on – –
– – Doctor on – –
– Rory on – –
A. – Greate we lost! We don’t know where we are!
D. – No, i’m know where we are.
R. – Well, tell us…
D. – Somewhere in space)
S. – What happend?
D. – I don’t know. How usually I’m gonna to visit the Earth: want to show to my companions Russia 1024 year. But then we landed, I found out there is nothing outside. Just a darkness… and the Sillence)
L. – Yeah, maybe u must not get out from manual in supermoava *сверхновая звезда*
S. – Did u come out?
R. – There is nothing outside
D. – Actually, Rory i have a look – it’s just a cellar *подвал*. There is nothing to worry about
– – Doctor off – –
– – Amy off – –
– – Rory off – –
L. – Well, good night everyone
– – Lysenkov off – –
– – Doctor on – –
D. – River, had we… ammmm… 6?
S. – What do u mean?
D. – Well, a-a… had we 6, but instead i put e
S. – O, Doctor… spoilers))
– – Song off – –
– – Chat ended – –
– – Log cleaned – –

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Doctor who chat part 2